Miele Clothes Dryer T 220 User Manual

Operating instructions  
for vented tumble dryer  
T 220  
To avoid the risk of accidents  
or damage to the machine  
it is essential to read these  
Operating instructions before  
it is installed or used for the first time.  
M.-Nr. 05 538 260  
Warning and Safety instructions  
the appliance and an effective earthing  
Read the operating instructions  
carefully before using this appliance  
for the first time. They contain impor-  
tant information about the safety, use  
and maintenance of the appliance.  
This way you will avoid the risk of  
accidents and damage to the appli-  
system which complies with local and  
national regulations. It is most important  
that this basic safety requirement is  
regularly tested by a qualified electri-  
cian. The manufacturer cannot be held  
responsible for the consequences of an  
inadequate earthing system (e.g. elec-  
tric shock).  
Keep these operating instructions in  
a safe place and ensure that new  
users are familiar with the content.  
Pass them on to any future owner of  
the machine.  
Do not connect the machine to the  
mains electricity supply by an ex-  
tension lead. Extension leads do not  
guarantee the required safety of the  
machine (e.g. danger or overheating).  
The machine is built in accordance  
with current safety requirements.  
Unauthorised repairs could result in un-  
foreseen dangers for the user, for which  
the manufacturer cannot accept re-  
sponsibility. Repairs should only be un-  
dertaken by a Miele approved engi-  
Correct use  
The tumble dryer is only intended  
for drying fabrics which have been  
washed in a water solution, marked on  
the manufacturer’s wash care label as  
being suitable for tumble drying.  
Any other applications may be danger-  
ous. The manufacturer is not liable for  
damage resulting from improper use or  
Ensure current is not supplied to the  
appliance while maintenance or repair  
work is being carried out.  
Faulty components must only be  
exchanged for Miele original spare  
parts. Only when these parts are fitted  
can the safety standards of the ma-  
chine be guaranteed.  
Technical safety  
Before setting up the machine  
check it for any externally visible  
damage. Do not install or use a dam-  
aged machine.  
If the appliance is supplied from a  
cord extension set or electrical por-  
table outlet device the cord extension  
set or electrical portable outlet device  
should be positioned so it is not subject  
to splashing or ingress of moisture.  
Before connecting the machine,  
ensure that the connection data on  
the data plate (fusing, voltage and fre-  
quency) matches the mains electricity  
supply. If in any doubt, consult a quali-  
fied electrician.  
The electrical safety of this ma-  
chine can only be guaranteed  
when continuity is complete between  
Warning and Safety instructions  
If the mains cable becomes dam-  
aged it must be replaced with a  
Miele original cable.  
free of any hindrance. A build-up of fluff  
will prevent a free-flow of air through the  
system. If the dryer is to be connected  
to an existing ducting system this must  
be checked for suitability beforehand.  
In the event of a fault or for clean-  
ing purposes, the machine is only  
completely isolated from the electricity  
supply when:  
Adequate ventilation is essential,  
especially where another appli-  
ance which also uses the room air (eg  
gas, oil or coal fired heater, continuous  
flow or other water heater) is installed in  
the same or an adjacent room. To en-  
sure safe operation, and to prevent  
gases given off by these appliances  
being drawn back into the room, an  
underpressure of 0.04 mbar is the maxi-  
mum permissible. Ventilation can be  
maintained by air inlets which cannot  
be blocked, in windows, doors and out-  
side wall vents, or by an automatic win-  
dow opening arrangement when the  
tumble dryer is switched on. If in doubt,  
the advice of a competent builder, or  
for gas, a gas fitter must be sought.  
– it is switched off at the wall socket  
and the plug is withdrawn, or  
– it is switched off at the mains, or  
– the mains fuse is withdrawn.  
This equipment is not designed for  
maritime use or for use in mobile  
installations such as caravans, aircraft  
etc. However, it may be suitable for  
such usage subject to a risk assess-  
ment of the installation being carried  
out by a suitably qualified engineer.  
Young children should be super-  
vised to ensure that they do not  
play with the appliance.  
The exhaust air must not be vented  
into a chimney or vent flue which is  
in use, nor should it be connnected to  
ducting which ventilates rooms with fire-  
places. It would be dangerous if smoke  
or exhaust fumes were drawn back into  
the room.  
Do not let small children play with  
the machine or its controls. Super-  
vise its use by the elderly or infirm.  
This dryer must not be:  
Do not install the machine in a  
room where the temperature may  
drop down to or below freezing. At very  
cold temperatures the machine may be  
difficult to start.  
– connected to a chimney or vent flue  
which is in use.  
– used without exhaust ducting.  
– used without the fluff filter in place or  
if the fluff filter is damaged in any  
Always keep the area around the  
machine free of dust and fluff.  
Check all parts of the extraction  
system on a regular basis (e.g. wall  
vent, external grille, bends in the  
ducting etc.) and make sure they are all  
Warning and Safety instructions  
Always close the door after use.  
This way you will avoid the danger  
To minimize the risk of fire in a  
tumble dryer, the following  
should be observed:  
– anyone sitting or leaning on the door, – Items that have been spotted or  
which can cause the machine to tip  
soaked with vegetable or cooking oil  
constitute a fire hazard and should  
not be placed in a tumble dryer.  
– children climbing onto or into the  
dryer or hiding things in it.  
Oil-affected items can ignite sponta-  
neously, especially when exposed to  
heat sources such as in a tumble  
dryer. The items become warm,  
causing an oxidation reaction in the  
oil. Oxidation creates heat. If the heat  
cannot escape, the items can be-  
come hot enough to catch fire.  
Pilling, stacking or storing oil-af-  
fected items can prevent heat from  
escaping and so create a fire haz-  
There is danger of fire with fabrics  
– contain a large proportion of rubber,  
foam rubber or rubber like materials.  
– have been treated with inflammable  
cleaning agents.  
– have been splashed with hair lac-  
quer, hair spray, nail varnish remover  
or similar substances.  
– which contain padding or fillings  
(e.g. pillows, jackets). If these were  
damaged the filling could leak with  
the risk of igniting in the dryer.  
If it is unavoidable that fabrics that  
contain vegetable or cooking oil or  
have been contaminated by hair care  
products be placed in a tumble dryer  
they should first be washed in hot  
water with extra detergent - this will  
reduce, but not eliminate, the hazard.  
The "cool down" cycle of tumble dry-  
ers should be used to reduce the  
temperature of the items. They  
should not be removed from the tum-  
ble dryer or piled or stacked while  
– are soiled with oil or grease.  
In areas which may be subject to  
infestation by cockroaches or other  
vermin, pay particular attention to keep-  
ing the appliance and its surroundings  
in a clean condition at all times. Any  
damage which may be caused by  
cockroaches or other vermin will not be  
covered by the appliance guarantee.  
Warning and Safety instructions  
– Items that have been previously  
– Plastic articles such as shower caps  
cleaned in, washed in, soaked in or  
spotted with petrol/gasoline,  
dry-cleaning solvents or other flam-  
mable or explosive substances  
should not be placed in a tumble  
or babies’ waterproof napkin covers  
should not be placed in a tumble  
– Rubber-backed articles, clothes fit-  
ted with foam rubber pads, pillows,  
galoshes and rubber-coated tennis  
shoes should not be placed in a tum-  
ble dryer.  
Highly flammable substances com-  
monly used in a domestic environ-  
ments include acetone, denatured al-  
cohol, petrol/gasoline, kerosene,  
spot removers (some brands), tur-  
pentine, waxes and wax removers.  
Using accessories  
Accessory parts may only be fitted  
when expressly approved by Miele.  
If other parts are used, guarantee, per-  
formance and product liability claims  
may be invalidated.  
– Items containing foam rubber (also  
known as latex foam) or similarly tex-  
tured rubber like materials should not  
be dried in a tumble dryer on a heat  
Foam rubber materials can, when  
heated, produce fire by spontaneous  
– Fabric softeners or similar products  
should not be used in a tumble dryer  
to eliminate the effects of static elec-  
tricity unless this practice is specifi-  
cally recommended by the manufac-  
turer of the fabric softener or  
– Undergarments that contain metal re-  
inforcements should not be placed in  
a tumble dryer.  
Damage to the tumble dryer can re-  
sult if metal reinforcements come  
loose during drying. When available  
a drying rack could be used for such  
Caring for the environment  
Disposal of the packing  
Energy saving tips  
^ Make sure that your laundry is thor-  
oughly spun before drying.  
The transport and protective packing  
has been selected from materials which  
are environmentally friendly for disposal  
and can normally be recycled.  
The higher the spin, the greater the  
savings that can be made in energy  
and time during drying.  
Ensure that any plastic wrappings,  
bags etc. are disposed of safely and  
kept out of the reach of babies and  
young children. Danger of suffocation!  
^ Load according to the optimum  
amount of laundry recommended for  
the programme being used (see  
"Programme chart").  
Rather than just throwing these materi-  
als away, please ensure they are of-  
fered for recycling.  
Underloading is uneconomical.  
Overloading gives a poorer quality of  
drying and may cause unnecessary  
Disposal of your old appliance  
^ To avoid unecessarily long drying  
times and high consumption of en-  
Old machines contain materials which  
can be reclaimed or recycled. Please  
contact your dealer, your local waste  
collection centre or scrap merchant  
about potential recycling schemes.  
– Make sure the room in which the  
dryer is located is well ventilated.  
– Make sure the fluff filter is clean be-  
fore using the dryer.  
Before discarding an old machine un-  
plug it and render the plug useless. Cut  
off the cable directly behind the appli-  
ance to prevent misuse. This should be  
done by a competent person.  
– Check all parts of the ventilation sys-  
tem on a regular basis and remove  
any build up of fluff etc.  
Ensure that the machine presents no  
danger to children while being stored  
for disposal.  
^ The vent ducting should be as short,  
straight and smooth as possible to  
minimise any resistance to the air  
This helps to reduce running times  
and energy consumption levels.  
Control panel  
aProgramme selector  
dI-On/0-Off button  
The programme selector can be  
turned clockwise or anti-clockwise.  
To switch the appliance on or off / to  
interrupt a programme.  
bProgramme sequence and check  
eDoor button  
to open the door / to cancel a  
cSTART button  
Pressing this button will open the  
door even when the appliance is  
switched off at the mains.  
Press the Start button to start a  
The Start indicator lamp will flash as  
soon as a programme can be  
started. It lights up constantly once  
the programme has started.  
If the appliance is switched on at the  
mains and the door is opened the  
drum lighting will come on. It will go  
out a few minutes later to save en-  
Notes on laundry care  
Wash care labels  
Pure linen should only be machine  
dried if specified as suitable by the  
manufacturer on the wash care label,  
as the surface of the fabric may other-  
wise "roughen". These items can be  
partially dried using the "Smoothing"  
Before drying check the drying sym-  
bol on the wash care label.  
Significance of symbols:  
q Dry at normal temperature  
r Dry at low temperature  
sDo not tumble dry  
Woven and loopknit materials (e.g.  
T-shirts, knitted garments) have a ten-  
dency to shrink, depending on their  
quality and this is made worse by  
over-drying. When purchasing these  
garments it is advisable to take their  
shrinkage properties into account.  
If no symbol is featured, dry at your  
own risk applying the following princi-  
Cotton and minimum iron items should  
be dried using the appropriate  
programme for the degree of drying re-  
quired. See programme chart.  
Minimum iron fabrics and 100% cotton  
shirts or blouses tend to crease more,  
the larger the load being dried,  
For delicates and fabrics with the fol-  
lowing wash care label r you can also  
select the Low temperature option.  
particulary when the weave of the fab-  
ric is very fine. Reduce the load or use  
the Special care Minimum iron - Hand  
iron programme. If this is unsatisfactory  
use the "Smoothing" setting, then hang  
the garments on a hanger to dry.  
Never overload the drum. Always  
observe the maximum recom-  
mended loads given in the  
"Programme chart". Overloading can  
cause unnecessary wear and tear to  
the laundry, give a disappointing  
drying result and cause more creas-  
Starched laundry can be dried in the  
tumble dryer. In order to achieve the  
usual finish, double the amount of  
starch should be used.  
New dark coloured garments should be  
dried separately from light coloured  
garments to avoid the danger of col-  
ours running.  
Tips on drying  
Woollens and wool blends tend to be-  
come matted and shrink if dried in a  
tumble dryer. They can, however, be  
partially dried using the Woollens hand  
care programme.  
Items filled with down.  
The fine fabric interior of these items  
may shrink depending on the quality.  
These items can be partially dried us-  
ing the Smoothing programme.  
Programme chart  
Drying levels  
Fabric type  
Special notes  
maximum load:  
5 kg (1)  
Single and multi-layered fab-  
rics, e.g. mixed load of cot-  
ton fabrics (e.g. towelling,  
Normal (2)  
Load of similar fabrics (jer-  
sey wear, flannelette sheets,  
If laundry is still too damp,  
- finish drying using Timed  
drying Warm air.  
- use the Normal+  
programme next time.  
Low temperature  
Hand iron (2)  
For drying delicate fabrics  
with the symbol r (e.g.  
acrylic garments).  
Laundry is dried using the  
Normal programme, but at a  
lower temperature.  
Cotton or linen fabrics (e.g.  
table linen, bed linen,  
starched laundry etc.).  
Machine iron  
Cotton or linen fabrics, in- The laundry should be rolled  
cluding starched laundry for up to prevent it from drying  
machine ironing.  
out before it can be ironed.  
Weight of dry laundry  
Note for test institutes: Programme setting for testing according to EN 61121 standard  
Programme chart  
Drying levels  
Fabric type  
Special notes  
maximum load:  
2.5 kg (1)  
Minimum iron items which are Spin minimum iron fabrics for  
made of synthetic or blended  
fabrics (e.g. pullovers,  
dresses, trousers) which are  
not dried adequately in the  
Normal programme.  
at least 30 seconds in the  
washing machine before dry-  
ing them.  
Normal (2)  
Minimum iron shirts, table  
cloths etc. made of mixed  
Spin minimum iron fabrics for  
at least 30 seconds in the  
fibres, e.g. cottons / synthet- washing machine before dry-  
ing them.  
Low temperature  
For drying delicate fabrics  
with the symbol r (e.g.  
acrylic garments).  
Laundry is dried using the  
Normal programme, but at a  
lower temperature.  
Spin minimum iron fabrics for  
at least 30 seconds in the  
washing machine before dry-  
ing them.  
Hand iron  
Minimum iron shirts, table  
cloths etc. made of mixed  
Spin minimum iron fabrics for  
at least 30 seconds in the  
fibres, e.g. cottons / synthet- washing machine before dry-  
ics, which are still to be hand  
ing them.  
For extra special care of deli-  
cate fabrics and to reduce  
creasing even more, reduce  
the load to 1 kg.  
Weight of dry laundry  
Note for test institutes: Programme setting for testing according to EN 61121 standard  
Programme chart  
Fabric type  
Special notes  
Special care programmes  
hand care  
maximum load: 2 kg (1)  
Woollen fabrics  
To refresh and fluff up woollen gar-  
ments quickly. Remove garments im-  
mediately at the end of the  
programme. Do not repeat.  
Woollen fabrics are not dried com-  
pletely by this programme.  
maximum load: 2.5 kg (1)  
Cottons and linen fabrics. Smooths out creasing caused during  
Minimum iron items made  
of cotton, blended fabrics  
or synthetics, e.g. cotton  
trousers, shirts.  
the spin cycle in the washing ma-  
Fabrics are not completely dried in  
this programme.  
Remove garments immediately at the  
end of the programme and place on  
a line or hangers to dry.  
Warm air  
maximum load: 5 kg (1)  
Individual items  
(e.g. bathing costumes,  
bath towels, tea-towels).  
Multi-layered fabric whose  
layers have different drying  
Cool air  
Items which are to be aired  
(1) Weight of dry laundry  
How to dry correctly  
Prepare the laundry  
Do not overload the drum. Over-  
loading can cause unecessary wear  
and tear to the laundry and give a  
disappointing drying result.  
^ As far as possible, sort laundry for:  
- the type of fibre or weave,  
- the degree of dryness required,  
- similar size of items,  
- the moisture content after  
This will help towards achieving an  
even drying result.  
See the "Programme chart" for maxi-  
mum recommended loads.  
^ Before closing the door check that  
the fluff filter is correctly positioned in  
the door.  
Fasten duvet covers etc. to prevent  
small items from being rolled up inside  
Do up zips, hooks and eyes etc.  
Tie fabric belts, apron strings.  
Sew in or remove underwiring from  
Make sure there is no detergent dis-  
penser ball etc. in with the laundry,  
as this could melt and damage the  
machine and the laundry.  
Load the drum  
and switch on the dryer  
When closing the door make sure  
items of laundry cannot be trapped  
by the door, as this will cause dam-  
age to the laundry.  
^ Press the door button and open the  
^ Load the laundry loosely into the  
^ Shut the door either with a gentle  
swing or lean against it and push it  
^ Switch the dryer on by pressing the  
"l-On/0-Off" button.  
How to dry correctly  
Select a programme  
Start the programme  
^ Press the START button.  
The drying cycle begins.  
The drying stage reached is shown by  
the sequence indicator lamps on the  
right hand side of the control panel.  
At the end of the drying phase a cool-  
ing down phase commences to cool  
the laundry down. The Cool air indicator  
lights up.  
The required degree of dryness has  
now been reached.  
^ Turn the programme selector to the  
required programme.  
See "Consumption data" chart for  
programme durations.  
Low temperature  
^ For drying particularly delicate fab-  
rics (care symbol r) e.g. acrylics  
turn the programme selector to the  
Low temperature position.  
Because the heater rating is reduced  
for the Low temperature setting clothes  
dry more slowly thus lengthening drying  
How to dry correctly  
Selecting a different programme  
At the end of a programme  
As long as the cooling down phase or  
the anti-crease phase has not been  
reached, it is possible to change a  
programme after it has started by turn-  
ing the programme selector to a differ-  
ent programme position.  
At the end of a programme the  
Anti-crease/Finish lamp will come on in  
the sequence display and the buzzer  
will sound.  
The drum will continue to rotate at inter-  
vals to prevent laundry creasing, if you  
do not wish to remove it immediately  
(anti-crease). The anti-crease phase  
Interrupting a programme  
^ Switch the machine off with the I-On / lasts for a maximum of 60 minutes, ex-  
0-Off button.  
cept with Woollens hand care  
To continue drying:  
^ Press the Door button and open the  
drum door.  
^ Switch the machine on with the I-On /  
0-Off button.  
^ Remove the laundry.  
programmes the programme will con-  
tinue unless the cooling down or  
Make sure that the drum is empty. If  
items are left in the dryer, they could  
be damaged by overdrying when  
the dryer is next used.  
anti-crease phase has been reached.  
With other programmes:  
^ Press the START button.  
^ Clean the filter.  
^ Close the door.  
Adding or removing items  
^ Switch the dryer off by pressing the  
l-On/0-Off button.  
^ Open the door. Take out or add items  
as required.  
^ To continue drying close the door  
and press START.  
To cancel a programme  
^ Turn the programme selector to Fin-  
ish or open the door .  
The programme has been successfully  
cancelled when only the  
Anti-crease/Finish indicator lamp is on.  
Cleaning and care  
Cleaning the fluff filter  
A cleaning brush is available as an  
optional extra from your Miele dealer  
or the Miele Spare Parts Department.  
The fluff which is created by the dry-  
ing process is collected in the fluff fil-  
ter in the door. Clean the filter after  
every drying cycle.  
You can also use a vacuum cleaner.  
^ Once clean, push the filter back into  
the door holder until it clicks into po-  
sition. Ensure it is facing the correct  
way. Close the door.  
If there is a great deal of compacted  
fluff on the filter, it can be cleaned  
under hot running water.  
^ After cleaning shake thoroughly until  
no more water droplets are visible.  
^ Dry the filter carefully.  
^ Push the filter back into the door  
holder until it clicks into position.  
Make sure it is the right way round.  
^ Open the door and pull the fluff filter  
out of the door as illustrated.  
Tumble dryer  
Disconnect the machine from the  
power supply.  
^ Clean the housing and control panel  
with a mild cleaning agent or soapy  
water. Clean the drum and other  
stainless steel parts with a suitable  
proprietary stainless steel cleaner fol-  
lowing the manufacturer’s instruc-  
Never use abrasive cleaning agents,  
solvents, scouring pads, glass or  
general purpose cleaners. These  
could damage plastic surfaces and  
other parts. The machine must never  
be hosed down.  
^ Use your fingers to remove the fluff  
from the surface of the filter.  
^ Remove any fluff from the hollow part  
of the door holder.  
Problem solving guide  
With the help of the following notes minor faults in the performance of the appli-  
ance, some of which may result from incorrect operation, can be put right without  
contacting the Service Department.  
Repairs to the machine should only be undertaken by a suitably qualified ser-  
vice technician to ensure safety. Unauthorised repairs could be dangerous.  
Possible cause  
The appliance fails to  
start when switched on.  
No obvious cause.  
Have you followed the  
switch-on procedure cor-  
rectly (see section on  
"Drying correctly").  
Is the plug correctly in-  
serted in the socket and  
switched on?  
Is the door closed prop-  
Has the plug or circuit  
breaker tripped?  
Items made of synthetic  
fibres are charged with  
static electricity after  
Static charge can be re-  
duced by adding a fabric  
conditioner to the final  
rinse in the washing ma-  
chine or a fabric condi-  
tioner sheet to the load in  
the dryer.  
Problem solving guide  
Possible cause  
There is a build up of  
Fluff is principally the re- Fluff is collected by the  
sult of friction when gar-  
ments are being worn  
and washed. Machine  
drying hardly causes any  
fluff to form and, as has  
been established by re-  
search institutes, has no  
effect on the lifetime of  
fluff filters and can be  
easily removed (see  
"Cleaning and Care").  
The laundry is not suffi- The load consisted of dif- Select a more suitable  
ciently dry.  
ferent fabrics.  
drying programme next  
time (see "Programme  
The interior drum light- The lighting switched off The lighting only comes  
ing does not come on.  
on when the door is  
opened if the dryer is  
switched on.  
It will switch off after a  
short while if the door is  
left open. This is to save  
The lamp may be defec- Change the lamp as de-  
scribed at the end of this  
Problem solving guide  
Possible cause  
The drying process  
goes on too long or  
even switches off.  
Important: Before attempting to remedy one of the fol-  
lowing causes, switch the dryer off and switch on  
again to start the programme again.  
Ventilation to the dryer is  
Open a door or window  
insufficient (e.g because it while the machine is in op-  
is installed in a room  
which is too small).  
eration for increased air  
The laundry was not suffi- Make sure that your laun-  
ciently spun.  
dry is thoroughly spun be-  
fore drying.  
The tumble dryer has  
been overloaded.  
Do not exceed the maxi-  
mum load for the  
programme selected.  
Metallic components, e.g. In future select a Timed  
zips have prevented the drying programme for  
dryer from registering the these garments.  
correct moisture level in  
the laundry.  
The fluff filter may be  
Clean the fluff filter.  
The vent ducting or the  
ventilation outlet is  
Check all parts of the  
extraction system on a  
regular basis (e.g. wall  
vent, external grille,  
bends in the ducting  
etc.) and make sure  
they are all free of any  
Remove any fluff.  
Problem solving guide  
Check and fault indicator lights:  
Possible cause  
The programme has  
stopped, the  
This is not a fault. The electronics register whether  
there is laundry in the drum after the start of a COT-  
Anti-crease/Finish lamp TONS or MINIMUM IRON programme. If the drum is  
has come on in the se- empty the programme is stopped. The programme  
quence display and the will also be stopped if the laundry is dry when the  
buzzer is sounding.  
programme is started or if you are trying to dry an in-  
dividual item. Use the Timed drying programme  
(Warm air) to dry individual items.  
The programme has  
There is no obvious  
Switch off the dryer.  
been interrupted, the in- cause.  
dicator lamp for Hand  
iron or Machine iron is  
flashing, and the buzzer  
Then switch the dryer  
back on and start the  
programme again.  
If the programme stops  
again and an indicator  
lamp flashes, there is a  
fault. Contact the Miele  
Service Department.  
Problem solving guide  
To change the interior drum  
^ To close the flap push it upwards and  
press it on the left and right until you  
hear it click into position.  
^ Open the door.  
The cover must be fixed securely, as  
otherwise moisture may seep in and  
cause a short circuit.  
Before changing the lamp, discon-  
nect the machine from the mains  
power supply.  
You will find the interior lamp cover at  
the top of the drum aperture.  
^ Insert the opener under the side  
edge of the cover as illustrated.  
^ Turn your wrist to make the cover  
open downwards.  
The temperature resistant lamp should  
only be ordered from your Miele dealer  
or the Miele Spare Parts Department.  
The lamp must not exceed the maxi-  
mum wattage quoted on the data  
plate and on the light cover.  
^ Replace the lamp.  
Problem solving guide  
After sales service  
PC indicator lamp  
(Interface for service technicians)  
In the event of any faults which you  
cannot remedy yourself, please contact The indicator lamp marked PC on the  
fascia panel is the interface used by  
the Miele service technicians during  
– Your Miele Dealer or  
– The nearest Miele Service Depart-  
ment (see back cover for address).  
service work for testing purposes.  
When contacting the Service Depart-  
ment, please quote the Model and Se-  
rial numbers both of which are located  
on the data plate situated on the right  
hand side below the drum aperture.  
Front view  
aVenting connection: rear, right or left  
(supplied with the rear socket open)  
bSupply cable for electrical connec-  
cControl panel  
eFour height-adjustable screw feet  
Transporting the machine to its  
installation site  
When moving the machine you can  
hold it by the lid where it protrudes to  
the rear of the dryer. To manoeuvre the  
dryer out of its packing case to its in-  
stallation site you will also need to hold  
it by the front feet.  
Aligning the machine  
^ The screw feet can be adjusted to  
compensate for any unevenness in  
the floor.  
A ventilation gap of at least 10 mm  
must be maintained between the  
bottom of the machine and the floor.  
It must not be blocked by deep pile  
carpets, plinths, etc, which would  
prevent a sufficient intake of cold air.  
The machine must be perfectly level to  
ensure safe and proper operation.  
Installation site  
Replacing the lid  
If the lid has been removed in order to  
fit a cover plate, ensure that, if the lid is  
replaced, it fits securely into the rear  
holders. Otherwise, it is not properly se-  
cure for transport.  
Building under a continuous work-  
top / in a row of kitchen units  
The space required by the vent duct  
must be taken into consideration when  
calculating the distance between the  
machine and a wall or other appliances Washer-dryer stack  
or furniture on either side.  
The tumble dryer can also be com-  
– A special conversion kit* is re-  
bined with a Miele washing machine in  
a washer-dryer stack. To do this the ap-  
propriate stacking kit* (WTV) to match  
your washing machine is required.  
The machine lid is replaced by a  
coverplate which must be fitted by  
suitably qualified person to ensure  
electrical safety. This kit is supplied  
with installation instructions.  
A washer and dryer should never be  
stacked without using the proper stack-  
ing kit. Doing so is extremely danger-  
ous, as the dryer may vibrate off of the  
washing machine during use.  
– When installing under a 900/910 mm  
high worktop a spacer kit* is re-  
– Flat type ducting* is required if there  
is not enough space for a vent duct.  
– The electric socket must be located  
in an accessible position near the  
All parts marked * are available from  
the Miele Spare Parts or Sales  
Departement, and must be fitted by a  
suitably competent person according to  
the instructions supplied with the kit.  
When built under running times may be  
If you wish to push your machine under  
a worktop and there is space to do this  
without removing the lid, the coversion  
kit is not necessary. Otherwise the con-  
version kit is essential.  
When building under allow for 625 mm  
to include hoses, lid, facia and door.  
When building the machine in behind  
cabinet doors, ensure that doors are  
open during operation for adequate  
Electrical connection  
The wires in the mains lead are col-  
This tumble dryer is supplied ready for  
connection to an a.c. single phase sup- oured in accordance with the following  
ply. The machine is supplied with a 2 m code:  
long mains cable with moulded plug.  
Green/yellow = earth  
The appliance should be connected up Blue = neutral  
only by a qualified electrician, in accor- Brown = live  
dance with national and local safety  
As the colours of the wires in the mains  
lead of this appliance may not corre-  
For extra safety it is advisable to install  
a residual current device (RCD) with a  
trip current of 30 mA.  
spond with the coloured markings iden-  
tifying the terminals in your plug, pro-  
ceed as follows:  
The voltage, rated load and plug rating  
are given on the data plate. Please en-  
sure that these match the household  
mains supply.  
The wire which is coloured green and  
yellow must be connected to the termi-  
nal in the plug which is marked with the  
letter E or by the earth symbol z or  
coloured green or green and yellow.  
The wire which is coloured blue must  
be connected to the terminal which is  
marked with the letter N or coloured  
The wire which is coloured brown must  
be connected to the terminal which is  
marked with the letter A or coloured  
Installation - venting  
– very long venting systems  
– too many bends or corners; tight cor-  
Before operating the appliance, a  
suitable venting system must be in-  
stalled to carry the moist air from the  
dryer to the outside.  
Otherwise the drying result will not be  
as good and drying will take longer and  
use more energy.  
– Before installing the ducting system,  
ensure that the appliance is not con-  
nected to the power supply.  
Suitable materials for venting  
– flexible vent hose*, plastic piping,  
galvanised steel piping (with a diam-  
eter of at least 100 mm).  
– The venting outlet (e.g. in a wall)  
should be installed in such a way  
that the moist expelled air . .  
. . . cannot be drawn back into the  
room in which the dryer is installed;  
. . . cannot cause a nuisance or any  
damage to the building.  
– for venting directly outside:  
a wall vent kit* or a window vent kit*.  
*These can be obtained from the Miele  
Spare Parts department or from build-  
ers’ merchants.  
– Adequate ventilation is essential as  
the dryer uses the room air. Ventila-  
tion can be maintained by:  
- an open window;  
^ First measure the duct length re-  
quired. Calculate the effective duct  
length and establish the internal duct  
diameter required (use the tables on  
the following pages).  
Longer ducting will require a larger  
duct diameter.  
- an air inlet which cannot be  
blocked in windows, doors  
and outside wall vents;  
- a window switch which prevents  
the dryer being used when the win-  
dow is closed.  
^ Finally decide which venting system  
you are going to install (see "Venting  
systems" in this section).  
Installation - venting  
Calculating the effective duct  
duct diameter should be increased (Ta-  
ble II).  
Friction against the inner walls of the  
vent duct will slow down the expelled  
air as it passes through the duct. An el-  
bow, bend, non-return flap or wall vent  
creates more friction than a straight  
duct. The friction created by each of  
these is expressed as an additional  
length factor. The additional length  
factors are calculated by comparing  
the friction created by, for example, an  
elbow to that created by 1 meter of  
straight plastic piping (Table I).  
1. To calculate the effective duct  
^ First measure the distance which will  
require straight ducting. Multiply this  
amount by the corresponding addi-  
tional duct length factor in Table I.  
^ Establish the number of angles,  
bends etc. necessary and add their  
additional duct length factors to-  
gether with the help of Table I.  
^ Add all the additional duct length fac-  
tors together to give the effective  
duct length.  
The additional duct length factor for  
each item needs to be added together  
to ascertain the effective duct length  
which will be needed for the venting  
2. Internal duct diameter  
^ Refer to Table II for the appropriate  
duct diameter for the effective duct  
A larger internal duct diameter also  
helps reduce friction. If the effective  
duct length is more than 20 m the  
Table I  
Additional duct length  
Flexible ducting*  
1 m laid straight  
45° angle (Bend radius = 0.25 m)  
90° angle (Bend radius = 0.25 m)  
1.8 m  
1.5 m  
2.5 m  
Flexible or aluminium vent hose* / plastic piping  
1 m laid straight / or 1 m straight pipe  
45° angle / elbow (Bend radius = 0.25 m)  
90° angle / elbow (Bend radius = 0.25 m)  
1.0 m  
0.6 m  
0.8 m  
Wall vent kit* or window vent kit*  
with louvred grille  
with non-return flap (hinged flap)  
3.8 m  
1.5 m  
Non-return flap* to be integrated into the vent ducting  
(see "d Main venting duct" for example)  
Flat ducting (for washer dryer stack)*  
14.3 m  
11.0 m  
1.0 m  
Venting connection to the left/right  
* These can be obtained from the Miele Spare Parts department or from builders’ merchants.  
Installation - venting  
Installation to the rear, left or  
right hand side of the machine  
Table II  
Maximum effective  
Internal duct di-  
duct length allowable  
ameter required  
At the rear  
10 m with Ring adapter  
100 mm  
The dryer is delivered with this connec-  
tion open.  
20 m without Ring adapter 100 mm  
40 m without Ring adapter 125 mm  
100 m without Ring adapter 150 mm  
^ Fit one of the venting systems de-  
scribed on the following pages.  
3. Calculation example  
Left or right side of the machine.  
^ Remove the left or right hand side  
cover cap. Do not remove the frame.  
Refit it in the rear outlet.  
Wall pipe, with louvred vent  
= 1 x 3.8 m Additional duct  
= 3.8 m  
= 1.6 m  
= 0.5 m  
B/D 2 Elbows, 90°  
^ Ensure it is securely in position so  
that it cannot fall out when the dryer  
is in operation.  
= 2 x 0.8 m Additional duct  
0.5 m plastic piping  
= 0.5 x 1 m Additional duct  
^ Fit one of the venting systems de-  
scribed on the following pages.  
Side connection, left  
= 1 m Additional duct length  
Effective duct length  
= 1.0 m  
= 6.9 m  
Result: A duct diameter of 100 mm is  
adequate as the effective duct length is  
less than the 20 m specified in Table II.  
Installation - venting  
Venting systems overview  
Venting system with  
Flexible ducting hose  
The various venting systems which are  
possible are described on the following  
pages. These include:  
This is a simple, cost effective  
method of directing the moist air out-  
side. The adapter supplied is fitted  
into the vent opening on the dryer  
and the ducting hose is then con-  
nected to the adapter.  
aFlexible ducting hose  
bPlastic piping or galvanised steel  
cConnecting directly to the wall vent  
^ The following items are required: . .  
. . . flexible ducting hose*  
. . . a wall vent kit* or window vent  
d Main venting duct  
* (Miele optional accessory)  
A ring adapter** (1) is installed in  
adapter (2) for the installation of a flexi-  
ble vent duct. It reduces time and en-  
ergy requirements during drying when  
used in combination with a short vent  
duct (maximum 10 m total length).  
The ring adapter is removable and de-  
signed for use with all venting systems.  
ARing adapter (1) must be taken out  
of adapter (2), if the total duct length  
is longer than 10 m.  
If the total duct length is less than 10  
m the ring adapter (1) should be left  
in adapter (2).  
** Note for test institutes: EN 61121 Standard  
testing is carried out with the ring adapter.  
BFit adapter (2) into the vent opening  
on the dryer, and connect vent hose  
Installation - venting  
Installation examples - venting sys-  
tem with flexible hose  
Connection to an exhaust flue  
Window vent  
1. Pipe with connection piece  
(= supplied with the Miele wall vent  
1. Window vent kit (fitted in a "plexi-  
glass" pane)  
2. Adapter for flexible hose  
(separate fitting instructions are sup-  
plied with the Miele window vent kit)  
3. Exhaust flue insulated against damp  
The ducting must not be vented  
into a chimney or vent flue which  
is in use, nor should it be con-  
nected to ducting which ventilates  
rooms with fireplaces.  
2. Adapter for flexible hose  
Installation - venting  
Venting system with  
plastic piping  
If the total duct length is greater than  
10 m the ring adapter is not required.  
BFit Miele adapter (2) into the vent  
Plastic piping is a good option where  
the vented air has to be ducted for  
some distance. The smooth walls of  
the pipe are less resistant to the  
vented air than the walls of a flexible  
vent hose, for example. Time and en-  
ergy consumption are better with  
plastic piping.  
opening on the dryer.  
CAttach the pipe (3).  
^ The following items are required: . .  
. . . an adapter* with rib on the inside.  
. . . a wall vent kit* or window vent  
* (Miele optional accessory)  
. . . Suitable piping available from  
your dealer or builder’s merchant.  
Where the pipe diameter is more than  
100 mm, additional adapters are nec-  
essary (e.g. to increase from C 100  
to 125 mm) to connect the pipe to the  
1. Wall vent kit  
(Separate fitting instructions are  
supplied with the Miele wall vent kit).  
2. Adapter  
3. Plastic piping, diameter DN 100  
AThe ring adapter (1) only needs to be  
fitted into the Miele adapter (2), if the  
total duct length is less than 10 m.  
Installation - venting  
Connecting directly to a wall Side view:  
The best method of venting the dryer  
is to connect it directly to the outside  
wall of a room. However, it is neces-  
sary to insert the wall vent right  
through the wall.  
Because the vented air is blown di-  
rectly outside, and has only a short  
distance to go, this system is very ef-  
ficient in terms of time and energy  
^ A wall pipe and a flexible foam gas-  
ket must be used (both Miele optional  
1. Wall pipe  
2. Flexible foam gasket  
ABefore drilling into the wall . . .  
. . . read the installation instructions  
supplied with the Miele wall pipe.  
. . . and study the following dia-  
View from above:  
BInsert the ring adapter (1) into the  
wall pipe.  
CFit the foam gasket (3) on to the con-  
necting piece (2) on the wall pipe  
and push the dryer up against the  
1. Wall pipe  
2. Flexible foam gasket  
Installation - venting  
Main venting duct  
We recommend that when several dry-  
ers are being installed each dryer  
should be fitted with one non-return flap  
installed directly on the main venting  
duct (R, upper picture). Extra Miele  
equipment is required for this purpose.  
When up to five dryers are being in-  
stalled, the pipe diameter D must be in-  
creased according to Table III.  
Table III  
Number of Dryers Magnification factor for  
the pipe diameter from  
Table II  
1 Connection to the main venting duct  
2 Miele non-return flap  
3 Additional Miele adapter  
4 Miele vent hose, very flexible  
4 - 5  
^ Push the non-return flap (2) com-  
pletely into the adapter (3).  
Installation - venting  
Washer dryer stack  
Miele washing machine with Comfort  
line angled fascia  
Height of venting outlet for washer  
dryer stack  
Miele washing machine with straight or  
sloping fascia  
Spacer kit* without worktop:  
C = 94.2 cm  
D = 170.0 cm  
Spacer kit* without worktop:  
A = 94.2 cm  
Spacer kit* with worktop:  
C = 96.0 cm  
B = 170.0 cm  
D = 171.8 cm  
Spacer kit* with worktop:  
A = 92.8 cm  
* Miele optional accessories  
B = 168.6 cm  
* Miele optional accessories  
Consumption data  
Final spin speed  
(in a domestic  
washing machine)  
Drying time  
cooling down  
Normal +  
800 (70 % residual moisture)  
Hand iron  
Hand iron  
800 (70 % residual moisture)  
Machine iron  
1000 (50 % residual moisture)  
Hand iron  
Special care  
Woollens, hand care  
All values obtained in accordance with standard test EN 61121 (including ring adapter)  
Test programme in accordance with EN 61121  
Consumption data can vary from the nominal values given depending on the  
load, different types of fabric, residual moisture after spinning, fluctuations in  
the electricity supply and any additional functions selected.  
Technical data  
85 cm (adjustable +0.7/-0.7 cm)  
82 cm  
Height without lid  
59.5 cm  
58 cm  
48 kg  
Drum volume  
Maximum capacity  
Length of connection cable  
100 litres  
5 kg dry weight  
1.60 m  
see data plate  
see data plate  
see data plate  
see data plate  
see "Consumption data"  
Electrically safety, C-Tick Mark  
AS/NZS 1044  
Rated load  
Plug rating  
Lamp wattage  
Energy consumption  
Test certificates awarded  
Electrically suppressed  
Programmable functions  
for changing  
standard settings  
Programmable functions  
Increased drying level  
in the COTTONS  
– If the Drying indicator lamp is not  
flashing, the increased drying level is  
– If the Drying indicator lamp is flash-  
ing, the increased drying level is ac-  
The machine is designed to dry us-  
ing as little energy as possible. How-  
ever, if you require the laundry to be  
drier, it is possible to reduce the final  
moisture level in the COTTONS  
programmes. Note that programme  
durations will be longer if this option  
is activated.  
FPressing the START button switches  
between activating and deactivating  
increased drying.  
GSwitch the machine off with the I-On /  
0-Off button.  
The setting you have selected is now  
stored in memory. You can change it  
again at any time.  
The machine is supplied ex-works with  
this option switched off. It can be acti-  
vated is wished.  
Follow steps A to G to programme and  
store in memory.  
To check:  
^ Carry out steps A to E.  
The programmable functions are acti-  
vated with the help of the START button  
and the programme selector.  
If the indicator lamp for Drying  
flashes = Increased drying level  
is switched on  
Before you begin, first ensure that:  
– The tumble dryer is switched off.  
– The door is closed.  
is not on = Increased drying level  
is switched off  
^ Switch off the dryer.  
The check is complete.  
– The programme selector is at Finish.  
APress the START button and keep it  
pressed in whilst carrying out steps  
B to C.  
BSwitch the dryer on with the I-On /  
0-Off button.  
CWait until the START indicator lamp  
comes on . . .  
D. . . and then release the START but-  
ETurn the programme selector to the  
COTTONS Normal position.  
Programmable functions  
Increased drying level  
– If the Drying indicator lamp is not  
flashing, the increased drying level is  
– If the Drying indicator lamp is flash-  
ing, the increased drying level is ac-  
The machine is designed to dry us-  
ing as little energy as possible. How-  
ever, if you require the laundry to be  
drier, it is possible to reduce the final  
moisture level in the MINIMUM IRON  
programmes. Note that programme  
durations will be longer if this option  
is activated.  
FPressing the START button switches  
between activating and deactivating  
increased drying.  
GSwitch the machine off with the I-On /  
0-Off button.  
The setting you have selected is now  
stored in memory. You can change it  
again at any time.  
The machine is supplied ex-works with  
this option switched off. It can be acti-  
vated is wished.  
Follow steps A to G to programme and  
store in memory.  
To check:  
^ Carry out steps A to E.  
The programmable functions are acti-  
vated with the help of the START button  
and the programme selector.  
If the indicator lamp for Drying  
flashes = Increased drying level  
is switched on  
Before you begin, first ensure that:  
– The tumble dryer is switched off.  
– The door is closed.  
is not on = Increased drying level  
is switched off  
^ Switch off the dryer.  
The check is complete.  
– The programme selector is at Finish.  
APress the START button and keep it  
pressed in whilst carrying out steps  
B to C.  
BSwitch the dryer on with the I-On /  
0-Off button.  
CWait until the START indicator lamp  
comes on . . .  
D. . . and then release the START but-  
ETurn the programme selector to the  
COTTONS Low Temperature posi-  
Programmable functions  
ETurn the programme selector to the  
COTTONS Hand iron position.  
An audible tone sounds repeatedly at  
the end of a programme.  
– If the Drying indicator lamp is flash-  
ing, the buzzer is activated.  
The buzzer is activated as standard  
ex-works. It can be deactivated is  
– If the Drying indicator lamp is flash-  
ing, the buzzer is deactivated.  
FPressing the START button switches  
between activating and deactivating  
the buzzer.  
Follow steps A to G to programme and  
store in memory.  
The programmable functions are acti-  
vated with the help of the START button  
and the programme selector.  
GSwitch the machine off with the I-On /  
0-Off button.  
The setting you have selected is now  
stored in memory. You can change it  
again at any time.  
Before you begin, first ensure that:  
– The tumble dryer is switched off.  
– The door is closed.  
To check:  
– The programme selector is at Finish.  
^ Carry out steps A to E.  
APress the START button and keep it  
pressed in whilst carrying out steps  
B to C.  
If the indicator lamp for Drying  
flashes =  
The Buzzer is activated  
does not light up =  
BSwitch the dryer on with the I-On /  
The Buzzer is deactivated  
0-Off button.  
^ Switch off the dryer.  
CWait until the START indicator lamp  
comes on . . .  
The check is complete.  
D. . . and then release the START but-  
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