Nady Systems Headphones EO3 User Manual

O w n e r ’ s M a n u a l  
Personal In-ear Monitor  
wireless system  
Thank you for choosing the Nady EO3 Personal In Ear Monitorwireless system, we know  
you will be very pleased with its performance and features. The EO3 provides high quality,  
yet cost-effective in-ear monitoring to on stage performers or behind the scenes personnel.  
The system is designed to be very easy to use and requires no installation.  
The EO3 consists of one wireless transmitter (EO3-T) and one or more wireless bodypack  
receivers (EO3-R) on the same channel. The transmitter features eight factory switchable  
channels; the receivers are single channel units that operate on one of eight channels in the  
72-76 MHz band, with wide band modulation for quality audio. These frequencies are in a  
separate band that will not interfere with simultaneous use of VHF or UHF wireless systems  
on the same stage.  
The EO3 system has a wireless operating range of 300 feet, which allows it to be used with  
confidence in venues from small clubs to large theatres.  
The transmitter connects to a monitor or line out from any mixing console, and broadcasts the  
audio as an FM signal to any number of pocket size Nady EO3 receivers on the same channel.  
Each receiver is equipped with an adjustable volume control, and high performance earbuds.  
Earphone enhancers—unique clear soft plastic inserts that can help secure the earbuds—are  
included. The transmitter also provides a microphone input to allow wireless cueing of the  
performers on stage.  
The EO3 can provide a high quality monitor mix at significantly lower decibel levels than  
floor monitors. This is an important benefit for artists who wish to protect their hearing  
from excessive and potentially damaging sound pressure levels.  
Please read this manual completely before using your Nady EO3.  
Important Note  
Just as with any in-ear monitor system, the EO3 works best when used exclusively by all  
the performers on stage—without any wedges or side monitors. The high sound pressure  
levels produced by floor monitors (especially if the band plays loud) can bleed through the  
in-ear monitor earbuds, in the worst cases, thus hindering their effectiveness. Experiment  
with your mix to get the maximum benefit from your EO3.  
EO3 Transmitter  
The EO3 transmitter is a compact  
Connecting audio Input  
transmitter that broadcasts on one of eight  
channels in the 72-76 MHz band, to any  
number of EO3 wireless bodypack receivers  
on the same channel. The system provides  
a 300 ft. wireless operating range, and  
offers these features:  
The line In jack (5) on the rear panel lets you  
connect the EO3 to your mixing console. This  
1/4” mono phone jack accepts an unbalanced  
line level audio source at zero dBm nominal  
signal level. If your mixer has XLR outputs  
only, you will need an XLR-to-phone plug  
adapter, available from most electronics  
stores and music equipment stores.  
Eight factory switchable channels  
Rear panel input for line level audio  
Front panel input for microphone  
Audio input gain control  
Automatic level control  
Extendible antenna  
9 volt DC input for AC-EO3 9VDC  
regulated power supply adapter provided  
Power switch with red LED power  
on indicator  
using a Microphone  
The Mic jack (7) on the front panel allows  
wireless cueing of on stage performers.  
Important: This 1/4” mono phone jack is designed  
for an electret condenser microphone, and 9V DC  
power is present at the input jack. If you wish to  
use a conventional dynamic microphone, at least  
20 dB more gain is required, and a preamp should  
be used. If a preamp is used, be sure to have a  
blocking capacitor (1 mfd) between the preamp  
output and the EO3 mic input. If a dynamic mic  
is plugged into the mic input by mistake, there  
should be no damage because the current is  
limited to 1.0 mA. If you have any questions,  
contact Nady Customer Service (510.652.2411)  
or your Nady dealer.  
Audio modulation LED indicator  
setting up the Transmitter  
Your EO3 requires minimum installation.  
Simply place the transmitter on any  
flat surface, connect your mixing board  
to the transmitter’s back panel input  
(See Connecting Audio Input below),  
connect the included power supply  
(as explained below), and the transmitter is  
ready to broadcast to any number of EO3  
receivers operating on the same channel.  
audio Input Gain adjustment  
You can quickly adjust the transmitter to  
obtain optimum performance with the  
Input Gain control (8). The audio modulation  
indicator LED, marked TX (6) will increase in  
brightness as the control is turned clockwise,  
and decrease in brightness as the control is  
turned counterclockwise. When the “TX”  
LED is flashing during transmission, the  
transmitter is broadcasting properly. (If the  
LED stays off continuously or barely flashes  
at all, the input gain needs to be increased.  
If the LED stays on continuously and does  
not flash during modulation, the input is  
overloading and needs to be decreased.)  
You will also need to test the transmitter in  
use with an EO3 receiver. This procedure is  
easy to do, and is explained in the receiver  
instructions, which follow.  
Powering the Transmitter  
Connect the AC adapter provided into  
the 9V DC jack (1) on the back panel of the  
transmitter. Plug the other end into an  
AC wall socket. Press Power switch (2).  
The Power On leD (3) will light.  
Extend antenna (4) fully and position  
90 degrees from top of the transmitter.  
Changing the channel can be done quickly  
by any qualified service technician.  
Contact your dealer or the Nady Customer  
Service Department for details.  
Conrming Correct Installation  
The transmitter’s TX leD (6) will flash  
when a microphone or line level signal is  
broadcast by the transmitter. If “TX” does  
not flash, turn the audio input gain control  
clockwise. This will increase audio level  
and cause “TX” to flash along with the  
program source. When “TX” is flashing,  
the transmitter is broadcasting properly.  
Test the transmitter with an EO3 receiver.  
This procedure is explained in the receiver  
using More Than One eO3 system  
You may operate up to three EO3 systems  
in the same location. For example, you may  
want to use one transmitter to provide a mix  
to the rhythm section, a second to provide  
a different mix for the vocalist. For multiple  
system operation, please observe:  
Note: For the best performance, and to minimize  
the possibility of interference from another source,  
we suggest you experiment to find the minimal  
height the antenna must be extended in order to  
perform well in your particular environment.  
If operating two EO3 transmitters in the  
same location, use Ch. AA and HH (or GG)  
If operating three EO3 transmitters in the  
same location, use Ch. AA, EE and HH  
(or GG)  
Channel selection  
Locate the transmitters ten feet or more  
away from the performers wearing  
EO3 receivers  
Channel selection is controlled by  
DIP-switches inside the transmitter.  
The system is preset at the factory.  
eO3 Transmitter (Front Panel)  
eO3 Transmitter (rear Panel)  
Channel switches (inside)  
EO3 Receiver  
The EO3 receiver is a pocket sized wireless  
audio receiver with an output for earbuds  
to provide in ear monitoring, and offers  
these features:  
using the earbuds  
Simply plug the included earbuds into the  
earphone jack (2) on top of the receiver.  
Note: Proper sound levels on stage are essential  
for optimum effectiveness of any in-ear monitor  
system. (See also “Important Note” on page 1).  
If sound levels are high, it is important to properly  
seal out unwanted sound so the earbud can  
be effective in providing proper monitoring.  
Top high end in-ear monitor systems use special  
transducers imbedded in a soft plastic mold of the  
users ear canal. This ensures a perfect seal and  
maximum immunity from bleed through. Such ear  
mold speakers are very expensive and can be  
used with the EO3 for optimum results—call  
Nady Systems for more information.  
Any number of EO3 receivers can be used  
with a single EO3-T transmitter  
Ultra compact and lightweight  
Preset to one of eight channels in the  
72-76 MHz range  
Loudness adjustable with volume  
control—provides up to 130dB in-ear  
Antenna is integral with earphone cord  
A pair of mini binaural EB-3 earphones  
included, with optional-use EMI soft  
rubber inserts supplied  
The EB-3 mono earbud earphones supplied  
with the EO3-R receiver offer great sound  
and can also provide top results if utilized  
properly. If sound pressure levels are high  
and bleed through is a problem, care must  
be taken to ensure a proper fit and a tight  
seal. Although the earphones can often be  
used effectively simply as “Walkman”-style  
earbuds, for best results in high SPL  
environments you must also use the  
supplied EMI-S/M/L soft rubber inserts (5).  
Choose the correct size (small, medium  
or large) from the three sets provided for  
a custom fit, and slip over the earphones  
before inserting in your ears. Although the  
maximum volume available may be slightly  
diminished, use of the EMI inserts does  
provide a better sound seal, increased  
immunity from bleed through and mimics  
the results available with custom-made ear  
mold speakers.  
LED “Power On” indicator  
Accepts standard 9V alkaline battery  
Channel selection  
Your receiver is pre-tuned at the factory  
to the same channel as your transmitter.  
Should you wish to have your transmitter  
channel changed, as explained in the  
Transmitter section of this manual, you  
must also have your receiver(s) retuned as  
well. Contact the Nady Customer Service  
Department for details.  
Powering The receiver  
Install a 9V battery in Battery Compartment  
(1), observing polarity. To preserve battery  
life, always turn the EO3 receiver off  
when it is not in use. When the sound  
becomes weak or distorted, replace the  
battery. The number of hours of operation  
per battery is as follows: carbon zinc type  
battery: 10-12 hours; alkaline battery  
(recommended): 17-20 hours.  
Operating the receiver  
While wearing your earbuds, turn the  
receiver on by rotating the On/Off volume  
wheel (3). The Power On indicator (4) will  
go on. (To turn the receiver off, rotate the  
On/Off/Volume wheel until it clicks, and the  
“Power On” indicator will go out.)  
adjusting ear Monitor Volume  
Testing receiver range  
Listen for your program source, and adjust  
receiver volume to a comfortable listening  
level. The EO3 receiver is capable of  
providing listening levels loud enough to be  
heard in use with a rock band. Many bands  
use on stage loudness levels that with  
repeated exposure could pose a threat to  
their hearing. Therefore, it is very important  
that the EO3 be used at a reasonable and  
comfortable listening level.  
Wearing your receiver and earphones, walk  
around the stage area (and sound board  
and other areas if crew members are to be  
equipped with EO3 receivers) and listen for  
audio quality. In certain areas of the room  
the audio may disappear or “drop out.”  
This is a normal occurrence whenever radio  
signals are transmitted inside a building.  
If you step away from the “drop out” zone,  
the audio will return. If a drop out zone  
is within the area of the stage or sound  
board(s), it is possible to eliminate the drop  
out zone by moving your EO3 transmitter as  
little as 12-18 inches in any direction. After  
you move the transmitter, “range walk” the  
stage and other areas again to check for  
consistent reception.  
Note: A slight hum may be heard if the receiver  
is used within six feet of the transmitter. This is  
normal and does not affect performance.  
eO3 receiver (Front Panel)  
eO3 receiver (Top Panel)  
Inserting EMI into  
EO3 Specifications  
OVerall sYsTeM PerFOrManCe  
Frequency response  
signal-to-noise ratio  
Total Harmonic Distortion  
rF Carrier Frequencies  
100 Hz - 10KHz 3 dB  
60 dB  
< 0.5%  
Eight factory preset channels between 72-76 MHz  
Channel AA: 72.1, BB: 72.3, CC: 72.5, DD: 72.7  
EE: 72.9, FF: 75.5, GG: 75.7, HH: 75.9  
Better than .005%  
Frequency stability  
FM 75 KHz  
Operating range  
Up to 300 feet line-of-sight  
eO3-T TransMITTer  
line Input  
Connector: One 1/4“ phone jack  
Impedance: 100 K Ohms, unbalanced.  
Connector: One 1/4“ phone jack  
Mic Input  
Impedance: low impedance, unbalanced, with 9 VDC at 1 mA  
for condenser mic.  
Power Output  
80,000 µV @ 3 meters  
Power On/Off, audio input gain adjust  
Power On LED, Audio Modulation “TX” LED  
Permanently mounted telescoping whip  
9 VDC regulated, @ 200 mA, AC-EO3 adapter provided  
1.25” H, 8.25” W, 4.25” D (3.175 x 20.9 x 10.8 cm)  
18.2 oz. (500 g.)  
Power requirement  
eO3-r reCeIVer  
Combination volume/on-off wheel  
100 mW max into 16 Ohms  
3.5 mm mini jack for earbuds output  
Binaural EB-3 earbuds with optional-use EMI soft rubber inserts  
Integral with earbud cord  
audio Output  
LED power on indicator  
2 µV for 12 dB Sinad with squelch defeated  
Squelches at 10 µV for min. 50 dB S-N ratio  
8-10 µV  
Mute Threshold  
Power requirement  
Battery life  
9V carbon zinc or alkaline battery  
17-20 hours with alkaline battery; 10-12 hours with carbon zinc battery  
3.35” H, 2.75” W, .75” D (8.5 x 6.5 x 2.25 cm)  
2.65 oz. without battery (73 g)  
Specifications subject to change at any time without prior notice for purposes of product improvement  
Service Information  
In the u.s. If you are experiencing operational problems with your system, please refer to  
service, please contact the Nady Service Department at (510) 652-2411 to obtain a Return  
Authorization (R/A) Number and service quote (if out of warranty). Make sure the R/A  
Number is clearly marked on the outside of the package that you are returning.  
If your unit is out of warranty, please enclose a cashier’s check or money order (or pay  
by credit card) per instructions by the Nady Service Department. Ship your unit prepaid  
to: Nady Systems, Service Department, 6701 Shellmound Street, Emeryville, CA 94608.  
Include a brief description of the problem you are experiencing. For service of a unit under  
warranty, please follow the instructions in the following section.  
Outside the u.s. For service or warranty matters please contact the Nady distributor in your  
country through the dealer/store from which you purchased this product.  
Do not attempt to service this unit yourself as  
it can be dangerous and will also void the warranty.  
One-Year Limited Warranty  
Nady Systems, Inc. warrants to the original consumer purchaser that the unit is free from any defects  
in material or workmanship for a period of one year from the date of original retail purchase. If any such  
defect is discovered within the warranty period, Nady Systems, Inc. will repair or replace the unit free of  
charge, subject to verification of the defect or malfunction upon return to Nady Systems. Please do not  
return your Nady product to the store where it was purchased as Nady Systems handles your warranty  
service directly. Communication with our Service Department is the most efficient means of servicing  
your unit and we are dedicated to keeping you a satisfied customer.  
To the extent permitted by law, any applicable implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability  
and fitness are hereby limited to one year from the date of purchase. Consequential or incidental  
damages resulting from a breach of any applicable express or implied warranties are hereby excluded.  
This warranty is in lieu of all other agreements and warranties, general or special, express or implied  
and no representative or person including a Nady dealer, agent, or employee is authorized to assume  
for us any other liability in connection with the sale or use of this Nady Systems’ product.  
Whereas some states do not allow limitations on how long implied warranties last, and do not allow  
exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, the above limitations and exclusions may not apply  
to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which may vary  
from state to state.  
This warranty is subject to the following conditions:  
1) This system must have been purchased from an authorized Nady dealer and all warranty  
service must be performed by Nady’s service department. Any service not performed by Nady  
will automatically void this warranty.  
2) Items not covered: physical damage resulting from improper handling of the unit in transit from the  
factory by the shipper (Nady Systems is not responsible for such damage and all such claims must be  
made against the shipping company by the consignee); defects caused by normal wear of the product  
(expendable parts are typically connectors, cables, potentiometers, switches and similar components);  
damage or defects caused by abuse, neglect, accident, failure to connect or operate the unit in any way  
that does not comply with applicable technical or safety regulations, or improper repair, excessive heat  
or humidity, alteration or unreasonable use of the unit, causing cracks, broken cases/housings or parts;  
damage caused by leaking batteries; finish or appearance items; items damaged in shipment en route to  
Nady Systems, Inc. for repair. The warranty is null and void if any Nady serial number has been removed  
or defaced.  
How To Obtain service:  
1) If factory service is required, please contact our Service Department at (510) 652-2411 for a return  
authorization (R/A) number. Make sure the R/A number is clearly marked on the outside of your package.  
(Please note: if an R/A number is not included, our Shipping Department cannot accept your package.)  
2) Send the unit back to Nady Systems, 6701 Shellmound Street, Emeryville, CA, 94608, freight pre-paid.  
You must include proof of date and place of purchase (i.e., photocopy of your bill of sale) or Nady cannot  
be responsible for repair or replacement. Nady Systems, Inc. will not repair, nor be held responsible,  
for any units returned without proper identification, return address, and R/A number clearly marked  
on the package.  
3) Per the above, Nady will perform all warranty service and return the unit to you at no charge.  
Nady Systems will inform the buyer if product sent in does not meet the terms of this warranty  
and will provide a quote for fixing the unit and/or shipping it back exclusively at the buyer’s expense.  
6701 Shellmound Street Emeryville, CA USA 94608  
T 510.652.2411 F 510.652.5075  

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