Nokia Cell Phone 22 User Manual

Electronic user’s guide released subject to "Nokia User’s Guides Terms and Conditions, 7th June, 1998  
Nokia 22 Operator’s Guide  
Issue 1  
Table of Contents  
Installing the antenna  
adapter .......................................23  
1. Product overview.........5  
Package contents ...................... 6  
System requirements ............... 7  
Network services ....................... 7  
Operating environment ........... 7  
4. PBX installation.........24  
Functionality in trunk mode 24  
Functionality in extension  
mode ...........................................25  
Connecting the Nokia 22  
to a trunk line of a PBX ........26  
Connecting the Nokia 22  
to an extension line of a PBX 28  
2. Product features..........9  
GSM terminal ............................. 9  
Application module ................10  
Light indicators .......................12  
Power supply ............................14  
Supplementary services ........15  
Short Message Service  
(SMS) ..........................................15  
Voice mail .................................15  
High Speed Circuit Switched  
Data (HSCSD) ...........................16  
Calling Line Identification  
(CLI) .............................................16  
Automatic Area Code (AAC)  
and routing ...............................16  
Intensity of Field (IOF) ...........17  
Faster call setup ......................17  
AutoPIN security feature ......17  
5. Configuration ............30  
Methods .....................................30  
Basic settings ...........................30  
Advanced settings ..................31  
6. Accessories.................34  
Nokia 22 Data Packet............ 34  
Nokia 22 Configurator  
Software ....................................34  
Antenna adapter .....................35  
Backup battery set .................35  
7. Technical  
specifications .................36  
GSM terminal ...........................36  
Application module ................36  
Terminal data transfer  
modes .........................................36  
Factory default values ...........38  
Terminal connectors ...............40  
3. Setting up  
the terminal ...................18  
Installing the SIM card ..........18  
Mounting the GSM terminal 19  
Connecting the power  
supply .........................................19  
Connecting a telephone ........19  
Entering the PIN code ...........19  
Terminal tone indicators .......20  
Checking the signal strength 20  
Making test calls .....................22  
8. Security  
information ....................43  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
9. Care and  
10. Troubleshooting ......46  
First things to check ..............46  
Light indicator 3 is blinking .46  
No tone can be heard when  
you lift the receiver ................46  
Call is disconnected  
immediately after answering 47  
Appendix: Supplementary  
services ......................... 48  
How the supplementary  
services work ............................48  
Number identification ...........48  
Call forwarding  
(Call offering) ...........................49  
Call waiting  
(Call completion) .....................50  
In-call handling .......................50  
Call restriction .........................51  
Security options ......................53  
Call transfer ..............................53  
Abbreviations ............... 54  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Product overview  
1. Product overview  
The Nokia 22 PBX connectivity terminal is a GSM terminal that can be used for  
both digital and analogue Private Branch Exchange (PBX) connections. The ter-  
minal is composed of a GSM terminal and an application module for PBX con-  
nections. The application module features PBX connection interfaces for both  
trunk (public side) and extension (private side) connections.  
In addition to PBX connectivity solutions, the terminal can also be used in con-  
junction with other GSM applications and various data solutions, for example  
High Speed Circuit Switched Data (HSCSD), PC fax, Short Message Service (SMS)  
and GSM Phase 2+ supplementary services.  
Important! In addition to this guide, refer to the Nokia 22 Users Guide  
which provides information about the use of the Nokia 22 PBX connec-  
tivity terminal including safety information.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Product overview  
Package contents  
The Nokia 22 basic sales package  
1 Nokia 22 sales package  
2 Nokia 22 Users Guide  
3 Nokia 22 GSM terminal  
4 Application module  
5 Power source with a wall rack, AC and DC cables  
6 Screws  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Product overview  
System requirements  
The Nokia 22 PBX connectivity terminal can be connected to a digital or ana-  
logue PBX. The terminal can be connected either to the trunk connector or the  
extension connector of the PBX. The application module has two RJ-11 connec-  
tors for both type of connections. Only one of the connectors can be used at a  
The terminal can be configured using a DTMF telephone or with the Nokia 22  
Configurator Software. For further information , see 6. Accessorieson page 34.  
The Nokia 22 supports both DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) and pulse dial-  
Normal telephone sets and answering machines can be connected directly to the  
application modules trunk connector.  
Note: Standard land line telefaxes and modems are not compatible with  
the terminal. Only a PC fax application can be used with the Nokia 22  
Data Packet. For further information, see 6. Accessorieson page 34.  
Important! Do not connect the Nokia 22 to a digital (ISDN) interface of  
a PBX.  
Network services  
The cellular device described in this guide is approved for use on the GSM900,  
GSM1800 and GSM900/1800 dual-band networks.  
Note that Dual band functionality is a network-dependent feature. Check with  
your local service provider if you can subscribe to and use the dual band  
A number of features included in this guide are called network services. They are  
special services provided by wireless service providers. Before you can take  
advantage of any of these network services, you must subscribe to these  
service(s) from your home service provider and obtain instructions for their use.  
Operating environment  
Operating of any radio transmitting equipment may interfere with the function-  
ality of inadequately protected medical devices. Consult a physician or the man-  
ufacturer of the medical device if you have any questions. Other electronic  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Product overview  
equipment may also be subject to interference. The terminal should not be in-  
stalled outdoors.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Product features  
2. Product features  
GSM terminal  
The GSM terminal features a dual band transceiver with built-in data capabili-  
ties, a SIM card reader, an antenna, a RS-232 data connector, a power supply  
and an application interface connector. The GSM terminal provides access to the  
data functionality of the GSM system including Short Message System (SMS)  
and High Speed Circuit Switched Data (HSCSD). The GSM terminal provides the  
subscriber data transmission, one connection at a time.  
The Nokia 22 supports only small size SIM  
cards. The SIM card should have the PIN  
code request activated.  
GSM terminal basic features:  
Dual Band GSM 900 MHz & GSM 1800 MHz  
Voice codecs EFR, FR, HR  
PC fax support  
HSCSD (High Speed Circuit Switched Data)  
V24 interface with auto baud rate  
Data compression (V42 bis)  
Mobile Originated and Mobile Terminated SMS with the help of AT  
SIM lock support  
ETS GSM 07.07 and 07.05 compatible AT command set  
GSM Phase 2+ supplementary services  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Product features  
Application module  
The application module has two operating modes: extension mode and trunk  
mode. In extension mode the application module is connected to the analogue  
extension (private) interface of the PBX. In trunk mode the application module  
is connected to the analogue trunk (public) interface of the PBX. The application  
module complies with the ETS 300-001 standards for PBX trunk and extension  
The application module can also be con-  
nected directly to a normal telephone set.  
The telephone can be used like a normal  
landline telephone , for example to make  
and receive calls.  
1. Extension connector  
2. Trunk connector  
Note: Some telephones sets and PBXs are more sensitive to radio inter-  
ference than others and there may occur some audible interference. If  
this problem occurs, increase the distance between the terminal and the  
PBX or the telephone set.  
Warning! To avoid damage to the devices, the telephone set must be  
connected to the terminals trunk connector with a standard 4-pin RJ-  
11 cable that has only its two middle pins connected.  
Application module basic features:  
ITU-T standard  
Pulse/DTMF dialling  
Calling Line Identification (CLI)  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Product features  
Support for analogue extension and trunk interfacing  
Loop reversal and loop interruption (detection and generating)  
Country specific R-key settings  
Application module functionality  
The application module can function in different modes when the Nokia 22 is  
connected to a PBX. For further information, see Functionality in trunk mode”  
on page 24 and Functionality in extension modeon page 25.  
Call creation  
When the PBX or the telephone set connected to the Nokia 22 switches over to  
the OFF-HOOK state, the terminal generates a local dial tone.  
When the user makes a call, dialled digits are first saved in the memory of the  
Nokia 22. The dial tone stops after the first digit is dialled. A four seconds wait-  
ing time follows after the last dialled digit. After that the terminal assumes the  
telephone number is fully dialled, and a call request is sent to the network. The  
call is processed.  
A local busy tone will be heard after 30 seconds and a howler tone after 60 sec-  
onds if digits are not dialled. In such a situation before a number can be dialled,  
the PBX or the telephone set must switch over to the ON-HOOK state and after  
that again to the OFF-HOOK state.  
Note: When making a call, an area code must be dialled for both local  
calls and long distance calls if the network system does not support lo-  
cal area dialling or the AAC (Automatic Area Code) feature is not in use.  
For further information about the AAC feature, see section Automatic  
Area Code (AAC) and routingon page 16.  
Note: The generating of dial tones does not depend on the service state  
of the GSM terminal. Even if the GSM terminal is not connected to the  
GSM network (that is light indicator 3 is blinking on the terminal) the  
application module tries to connect the call. Thus, emergency calls can  
be made using any network service provider available or even without a  
SIM card in the terminal. For a description of the terminal light indica-  
tors, see Light indicatorson page 12.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Product features  
Call termination  
When the PBX or the telephone set connected to the Nokia 22 terminates the  
call by switching over to the ON-HOOK state, the Nokia 22 terminates the GSM  
connection immediately.  
When the B subscriber terminates the call, the GSM connection of the terminal  
is terminated as the PBX or the telephone set connected to the terminal switch-  
es over to the ON-HOOK state.  
Light indicators  
There are five light indicators on the  
Nokia 22.  
Light indicators 1 and 2 indicate the  
state of the application module and light  
indicators 3, 4 and 5 indicate the state of  
the GSM terminal.  
The terminal is ready for use when the  
light indicator 3 is lit.  
The use of light indicators is described in Table 1: Application module light  
indicators and Table 2: GSM terminal light indicators.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Product features  
Table 1: Application module light indicators  
Extension mode is active.  
Trunk mode is active.  
Advanced setup mode is  
Blinking- Blinking-  
An error has occured.  
Blinking_ Blinking_ Contact service personnel.  
Blinking- Blinking-  
Blinking- Blinking-  
Blinking- Blinking-  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Product features  
Table 2: GSM terminal light indicators  
Power is off.  
Power is on. The terminal is  
attempting to connect to  
the telephone network.  
In service.  
Call in progress.  
The terminal has received a  
Enter the PIN code.  
Enter the PUK code.  
Blinking Blinking  
The terminal has received an  
SMS message or voice mail.  
Blinking The terminal has no space  
for new SMS messages. The  
oldest message is  
automatically deleted.  
Blinking Blinking Install the SIM card.  
Blinking Blinking Blinking An error has occured.  
Contact service personnel.  
Power supply  
The ACW-3 power supply is supplied with the terminal.  
A backup battery set with its own power supply is also available, see Backup  
battery seton page 35.  
Connect the power supply to the DC jack connector on the left side of the ter-  
minal. After that, connect the power supply to the AC wall outlet.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Product features  
Note: The DC connectors middle contact has negative (-) polarity and  
the outer contact has positive (+) polarity.  
Supplementary services  
These features are network services. They are special services provided by wire-  
less network service providers and differ from one network and country to an-  
other. For details, check with the local network service provider.  
The Nokia 22 supports the GSM Phase 2+ Supplementary Services  
1 Number identification  
2 Call offering  
3 Call completion  
4 In-call handling  
5 Call transfer  
6 Call restriction  
7 High Speed Circuit Switched Data (HSCSD)  
8 Security Options  
For more specific information about the supplementary services supported by  
the terminal, see Appendix: Supplementary serviceson page 48.  
Short Message Service (SMS)  
The Nokia 22 supports both Mobile Originated (MO) and Mobile Terminated (MT)  
short message services with the help of AT commands.  
A PC and the Nokia 22 Data Packet are needed when using the SMS feature.  
When an SMS message is received the light indicators 3, 4 and 5 light up and a  
tone indicator (--- --- ---) is heard through the telephone sets receiver.  
Note: SMS message received signals are reset when the receiver is lifted  
Voice mail  
The Nokia 22 supports the GSM network voice mail service. If the network sends  
an SMS of received voice mail, the terminal will indicate the received SMS by  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
means of light indicators and also by means of tone in the telephone sets re-  
ceiver. For further information, see Short Message Service (SMS)on page 15.  
High Speed Circuit Switched Data  
The GSM terminal supports High Speed Circuit Switched Data that enables a  
data transmission speed of up to 43.2 kbps. The High Speed Circuit Switched  
Data (HSCSD) relies on the simultaneous use of multiple GSM timeslots.  
For the terminal data transfer modes, see 7. Technical specificationson page  
36. The Nokia 22 Data Packet is required to use this feature.  
Calling Line Identification (CLI)  
The Calling Line Identification (CLI) feature displays the callers number with an  
external calling line display device.  
Two signalling methods are available, ETSI FSK (European Telecommunications  
Standards Institute Frequency Shift Keying) and DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Fre-  
The signalling mode varies depending on the operator and the country. The de-  
fault mode is ETSI FSK. For information about changing the CLI mode, see “  
Changing Calling Line Identification (CLI) modeon page 32.  
Note: The CLI devices are not provided by Nokia. For details and avail-  
ability, contact your service provider.  
Automatic Area Code (AAC) and routing  
The Automatic Area Code (AAC) feature allows the user to dial local numbers  
without a local area code in the GSM network. Before the number is sent a pre-  
programmed local area code is added automatically by the Nokia 22.  
The user can also specify that the terminal changes certain prefixes automati-  
cally, for example to provide a cost-effective route. The AAC and routing settings  
can be modified using the Nokia 22 Configurator Software.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Product features  
Intensity of Field (IOF)  
The Intensity of Field (IOF) feature indicates the strength of the received radio  
signal. The IOF is indicated by the light indicators. The feature can be activated  
with a DTMF telephone connected to the terminals trunk connector. To activate  
the feature, key in 777**#. The feature is automatically deactivated when the  
DTMF telephones receiver is replaced on the hook. For further information on  
the IOF feature, see 3. Setting up the terminalon page 18.  
Faster call setup  
Faster call setup allows a faster call establishment. The last 10 different dialled  
numbers are stored in the memory of the Nokia 22. If the dialled number match-  
es one of the stored numbers, there is no delay before the terminal sends the  
number and the call is established immediately.  
Note: Only successful (answered) calls are stored in the terminals  
AutoPIN security feature  
The Nokia 22 has an AutoPIN security feature. It saves the PIN code in the  
terminals memory when the code is entered for the first time or when the code  
is changed. In addition, the AutoPIN feature enables device recovery after  
occasional power cuts without on-site intervention. The terminal enters the PIN  
code automatically the next time it switches on and requests the PIN code. For  
changing the PIN code, see Security optionson page 53.  
Use of the SIM card in other GSM terminals or mobile phones can be prevented.  
The user does not have to know the PIN code. However, other SIM cards can be  
used with the terminal. The AutoPIN feature can be deactivated using the Nokia  
22 Configurator Software.  
The default value is that the AutoPIN feature is active.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Setting up the terminal  
3. Setting up the terminal  
Before the Nokia 22 PBX connectivity terminal can be used it must be installed  
In the following instructions it is assumed that the PIN code request and the  
AutoPIN feature are active.  
To use the Nokia 22 for the first time, proceed as follows:  
1 Install the SIM card.  
2 Mount the GSM terminal on the application module.  
3 Connect the power supply to the terminal and to an AC wall outlet.  
4 Connect a DTMF telephone to the terminal.  
5 Enter the PIN code if your SIM card requires it.  
6 Check the signal strength.  
7 Install the external antenna.  
8 Make test calls.  
Warning! Do not connect the power supply to an AC wall outlet before  
you have installed the SIM card and mounted the GSM terminal on the  
application module.  
Installing the SIM card  
If the SIM card has not been installed, install it.  
Insert the SIM card ensuring that the golden  
contact area is facing downwards.  
Note: Keep SIM cards always out of the reach of small children.The card  
can be damaged by scratching or bending so it must be handled  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Setting up the terminal  
Mounting the GSM terminal  
Mount the GSM terminal on the application  
module using the three screws supplied with  
the terminal.  
Connecting the power supply  
1 Connect the power cord from the power sup-  
ply to the GSM terminal.  
2 Connect the power supply to an AC wall out-  
Connecting a telephone  
Connect the DTMF telephone to the application modules trunk connector (RJ-  
Warning! To avoid damage to the devices, the telephone set must be  
connected to the trunk connector with a standard 4-pin RJ-11 cable  
that has only its two middle pins connected.  
Entering the PIN code  
The PIN (Personal Identification Number) code protects your SIM card against  
unauthorised use. It is usually supplied with the SIM card. Use the DTMF  
telephone connected to the Nokia 22 to enter the PIN code.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Setting up the terminal  
When light indicator 4 blinks, lift the receiver. When the enter PIN code tone is  
heard, enter the PIN code followed by #. The OK tone is heard and light indicator  
3 lights up. If the operation fails, see Entering PIN code does not succeedon  
page 30.  
When the terminal is being connected for the first time or after a power cut, it  
takes 20-30 seconds before the terminal is connected to the network. Light  
indicator 3 on the GSM terminal lights up and indicates that the connection is  
active. The terminal is now ready for installing.  
If the AutoPIN feature is active, the terminal automatically enters the PIN code  
the next time the power is switched on.  
Terminal tone indicators  
The following tone signals indicate the state of the Nokia 22.  
Table 3: Terminal tone indicators  
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Enter SIM card  
- _ _  
- -  
- _ _  
- _ _  
Enter PIN code  
Enter PUK code  
- - - -  
SMS received  
Checking the signal strength  
The (IOF) feature indicates the strength of the received radio signal.  
To check the signal strength, lift the receiver of the DTMF telephone connected  
to the Nokia 22 and key in 777**#.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Setting up the terminal  
The signal strength is indicated by the light indica-  
tors until the receiver is replaced on the hook.  
For the use of light indicators in the Intensity of Field, see Table 4: IOF light in-  
Note: Only emergency calls can be established when the terminal is in  
the IOF state.  
Note:The installation location must be clean and dry. The terminal must  
be installed indoors. The terminal operating temperature range is  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Setting up the terminal  
Table 4: IOF light indicators  
Blinking -  
No signal.  
Approx. -  
Blinking -  
Approx. -  
Approx. -  
Blinking -  
Approx. -  
Approx. -  
Blinking -  
Approx. -  
Blinking Approx. -  
Approx. -  
If the required values are not obtained, move the terminal to another loca-  
If you cannot find a place where the signal is stronger than -95 dBm, that is  
light indicators 1 and 2 are lit, you can install an external antenna to achieve  
proper signalling (See section Installing the antenna adapteron page 23).  
Place the terminal in the desired location.  
Making test calls  
Make test calls to and from the Nokia 22 using the telephone set connected to  
the terminal. To adjust the volume, key in 0**x during the call, the x representing  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Setting up the terminal  
a value between 1(the lowest volume level) and 10 (the highest volume  
The terminal is now ready for connecting to the PBX.  
Installing the antenna adapter  
An external antenna improves signal reception and transmission. An antenna  
adapter for use between the Nokia 22 and a standard FME connector is provided  
by Nokia (See 6. Accessorieson page 34).  
Distance, large obstacles (for example hills, buildings) or installing the device  
below ground level can reduce the signal strength. Installing an external anten-  
na may help.  
The installation procedure:  
1 Pull out the antenna from the GSM  
2 Connect the antenna adapter to the  
antenna connector.  
3 Install the antenna adapter in the ex-  
ternal FME antenna connector.  
For specifications for the external antenna, antenna adapter and connectors, see  
7. Technical specificationson page 36.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
PBX installation  
4. PBX installation  
The application module can be connected to an analogue or digital PBXs ana-  
logue trunk or extension line complying with ETS 300-001 standards. The appli-  
cation module has two RJ-11 connectors for both kinds of connections. Only one  
connector can be used at a time.  
Warning! Inappropriate installation of the Nokia 22 to a PBX may dam-  
age the PBX or the Nokia 22.  
Light indicators 1 and 2 in the terminal indicate the state of the application  
module. For further information about the application module light indicators,  
see Table 1: Application module light indicators, Light indicatorson page 12.  
Functionality in trunk mode  
Outgoing call on the trunk line  
1 A PBX is configured to route mobile calls via the Nokia 22. The user enters the  
number using his/her extension telephone.  
2 The PBX processes the number and discovers if the number is a mobile net-  
work number and sends the number sequence to the line where the terminal  
is connected.  
3 The terminal processes the call.  
Incoming call on the trunk line  
1 The Nokia 22 receives a call.  
1 The terminal sends a ring tone to the PBX.  
2 The switching centre answers.  
3 The switching centre redirects the call to an extension.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
PBX installation  
Functionality in extension mode  
Outgoing call on the extension line, mode A  
1 The user keys in the number of the extension where the Nokia 22 is connect-  
2 The terminal answers the call and provides a dial tone.  
3 The user keys in the number of the B subscriber.  
4 The terminal establishes the call.  
Outgoing call on the extension line, mode B  
1 The user keys in the number of the extension where the Nokia 22 is connect-  
2 The terminal answers the call and provides silence.  
3 The user keys in the number of the B subscriber.  
4 The terminal establishes the call.  
The terminal can be configured to change or add a mobile prefix to the number.  
Thus, it can provide for example cost-effective routing. For further information  
about the AAC, see Automatic Area Code (AAC) and routingon page 16.  
Note: Some exceptions like emergency numbers have to be taken into  
account. For details, see 8. Security informationon page 43.  
Incoming call on the extension line, mode A  
1 The Nokia 22 answers the incoming call and opens the extension line.  
2 The PBX provides a dial tone.  
3 The user enters an extension number or outgoing number.  
4 The PBX routes the call as it would come from an extension telephone.  
Incoming call on the extension line, mode B  
1 The Nokia 22 answers the incoming call and opens the extension line.  
2 The terminal sends a pre-defined number to the PBX extension.  
3 The B subscriber answers.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
PBX installation  
4 The call is established.  
For further information on how to change the mode, see Changing application  
module extension modeson page 32.  
Connecting the Nokia 22 to a trunk line  
of a PBX  
1 Disconnect the Nokia 22 PBX connectivity terminal power supply from the AC  
wall outlet.  
2 Connect the Nokia 22 to a free PBX trunk line with an RJ-11 cable.  
3 Connect the power supply to the terminal.  
If the AutoPIN feature is active, the Nokia 22 automatically connects to the net-  
work. In 20-30 seconds, light indicator 3 lights up to indicate the network con-  
nection and light indicator 1 to indicate the PBX trunk connection.  
If the AutoPIN feature is not active, you have to enter your PIN code. For infor-  
mation about entering the PIN code, see Entering the PIN codeon page 19.  
For details, contact your PBX supplier.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
PBX installation  
Warning! Inappropriate installation of the Nokia 22 to a PBX may  
damage the PBX or the Nokia 22. If an extension line of the PBX is  
connected to the trunk connector of the Nokia 22, the devices attempt  
to feed current to each other and they can be damaged.  
To avoid damage to the devices, an analogue trunk line of the PBX must  
be connected to the terminals trunk connector with a standard 4-pin  
RJ-11 cable that has only its two middle pins connected.  
Note that the terminals trunk and extension connectors cannot be used  
at the same time to connect a device.  
Important! Do not connect the Nokia 22 to a digital (ISDN) interface of  
a PBX.  
Making test calls  
Incoming call  
Make a call to the Nokia 22 GSM number. For details, contact your service pro-  
vider. The Nokia 22 redirects the call and sends a ring tone to the PBX trunk line.  
The switching centre answers and redirects the call.  
Outgoing call  
PBX has to be configured to route certain outgoing numbers (for example num-  
bers with mobile prefix) to the trunk line the Nokia 22 is connected before an  
outgoing call can be made. When a number is sent by the PBX to the terminal,  
the terminal connects the call.  
For terminal functionality in trunk mode, see section Functionality in trunk  
modeon page 24.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
PBX installation  
Connecting the Nokia 22 to an extension  
line of a PBX  
1 Disconnect the Nokia 22 PBX connectivity terminal power supply from the AC  
wall outlet.  
2 Connect the Nokia 22 to a free PBX extension line with an RJ-11 cable.  
3 Reconnect the power supply to the terminal.  
If the AutoPIN feature is active, the terminal automatically connects the net-  
work. In 20-30 seconds, light indicator 3 lights up to indicate the network con-  
nection and light indicator 2 to indicate the PBX extension connection.  
If the AutoPIN feature is not active, you have to enter your PIN code. For infor-  
mation about entering the PIN code, see Entering the PIN codeon page 19.  
For details, contact your PBX supplier.  
Warning! Inappropriate installation of the Nokia 22 to a PBX may  
damage the PBX or the Nokia 22. If an extension line of the PBX is  
connected to the trunk connector of the Nokia 22, the devices attempt  
to feed current to each other and they can be damaged.  
To avoid damage to the devices, an analogue extension line of the PBX  
must be connected to the terminals extension connector with a stand-  
ard 4-pin RJ-11 cable that has only its two middle pins connected.  
Note that the terminals trunk and extension connectors cannot be used  
at the same time to connect a device.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
PBX installation  
Important! Do not connect the Nokia 22 to a digital (ISDN) interface of  
a PBX.  
Making Test Calls  
Incoming call  
Make a call to the Nokia 22 GSM number. For details, contact your service pro-  
vider. The Nokia 22 answers the call and places the PBX extension line off-hook.  
The PBX provides a dial tone and you can dial the desired extension or outgoing  
number. The PBX connects the call.  
Outgoing call  
Make a call to the PBX extension number where the Nokia 22 is connected. The  
Nokia 22 answers the call. You hear either a dial tone or silence depending on  
the settings of the terminal. Dial the desired number. The terminal connects the  
The PBX can also be configured to route certain numbers automatically.  
For terminal functionality in the extension connection, see Functionality in ex-  
tension modeon page 25.  
Note: Some PBXs are more sensitive to radio interference than others  
and there may be some audible interference. If this problem occurs, in-  
crease the distance between the Nokia 22 PBX connectivity terminal  
and the PBX. If there are other problems with the product or with con-  
necting the product to the PBX, please consult your local dealer, service  
provider or Nokia Mobile Phones for further information.  
Note: When the Nokia 22 is connected to an extension line of a PBX,  
some precautions must be taken into account. If no calling restrictions  
have been set up, any caller calling the Nokia 22 PBX connectivity  
terminals GSM number gains access to the outgoing PBX trunk line and  
can make phone calls that are charged to the PBX owner.  
To prevent this situation, the PBX must be configured to deny any out-  
going calls coming from the extension line the Nokia 22 is connected to.  
If the PBX cannot be configured in such a way, it is possible to configure  
the Nokia 22 to automatically call a predefined extension number when  
it receives a GSM call. For further information, see 5. Configurationon  
page 30. For more information about PBX configuration, see your PBX  
Users Guide.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
5. Configuration  
The Nokia 22 PBX connectivity terminal can be configured using a DTMF tele-  
phone connected to the application module or using the Nokia 22 Configurator  
Software. The Nokia 22 Configurator Software is a tool for the configuration of  
the terminal. For further information, see 6. Accessorieson page 34.  
The settings can also be modified via a PBX.  
Note: When multiple Nokia 22 PBX connectivity terminals are connect-  
ed to a single PBX, the PBX may treat them as a pool of devices. As a  
result, it is not possible to change the settings of a specific Nokia 22  
connectivity terminal via the PBX. For further information, contact your  
service provider.  
For terminal tone indicators, see Terminal tone indicatorson page 20.  
Basic settings  
Basic settings include PIN and PUK code input, the speaker volume control and  
activation of the Intensity of Field (IOF) feature.  
Entering PIN and PUK code  
To enter the PIN code, key in PINCode#.  
To enter the PUK code, key in PUKCode#.  
Entering PIN code does not succeed  
If entering the PIN code fails three times, the code is blocked. You can unblock  
it by entering your PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) code. The PUK code may be  
supplied with the SIM card. If not, contact your local service provider for the  
code. If you lose the code, contact your service provider. When the PIN code is  
blocked, light indicators 3 and 4 blink. To unblock the code, proceed as follows:  
1 Lift the receiver of the DTMF telephone connected to the Nokia 22. When the  
enter PUK code tone is heard, enter the PUK code followed by #.  
2 Enter a new PIN code (4-8 digits) followed by # when light indicator 4 blinks  
and the enter PIN code tone is heard.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
3 Confirm the new PIN by re-entering the code followed by #.  
Adjusting telephone speaker volume  
To adjust the telephone sets speaker volume, key in 0**x during the call, the x  
representing a value between 1 (the lowest volume level) and 10 (the highest  
volume level). The default value is 5.  
Activating IOF  
To activate the IOF (Intensity of Field) feature, key in 777**#. Placing the receiv-  
er on the hook completes the function.  
Advanced settings  
The more advanced settings can be modified when the Nokia 22 is in configu-  
ration mode.  
The following settings are available in configuration mode:  
Loop interruption time in milliseconds  
Polarity reversal time in milliseconds  
CLI mode  
Network selection  
PBX application module extension mode change  
Terminal restart  
Activating configuration mode  
To activate configuration mode, key in **####**.  
The configuration mode is protected with a four-digit access code. When con-  
figuration mode has been activated, the Nokia 22 requires an access code for  
changing the settings. The default code is 1234. To change the default access  
code, use the Nokia 22 Configurator Software.  
To enter the access code, key in AccessCode#.  
Note: After changing the configuration mode values the Nokia 22 must  
be restarted in order to save the new settings. Restart the terminal in  
the configuration mode by keying in 555**#.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Changing the loop interruption time  
The default loop interruption time is 300 milliseconds. Key in a zero to disable  
the loop interruption. After you have keyed in the interruption time the Nokia  
22 returns to configuration mode.  
To change the loop interruption time, key in 2**Interruption_Time#.  
Changing the polarity reversal time  
After you have keyed in the polarity reversal time the Nokia 22 returns to con-  
figuration mode.  
To change the polarity reversal time, key in 3**Polarity_Reversal_Time#.  
Changing Calling Line Identification (CLI) mode  
The following CLI modes can be selected in the configuration mode:  
000=ETSI FSK (Default setting)  
To change a CLI mode, key in 4**CLI_Mode#.  
A more detailed configuation of the CLI functionality can be made using the  
Nokia 22 Configurator Software.  
Selecting network  
To select a certain network operator a five digit operator code must be keyed in.  
To select a network, key in 5**Operator_Code#.  
For automatic network selection, key in 5**000#.  
Changing application module extension modes  
Outgoing call  
To change extension mode to the outgoing call mode A, key in 6**#.  
To change extension mode to the outgoing call mode B, key in 7**#.  
Incoming call  
To change extension mode to the incoming call mode A, key in 8**#.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
To change extension mode to the incoming call mode B, key in  
For further information about the application module functionality in different  
outgoing and incoming modes, see Functionality in trunk modeon page 24  
and Functionality in extension modeon page 25.  
Restarting the terminal  
To restart the Nokia 22, key in 555**#.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
6. Accessories  
A range of accessories is available for the Nokia 22 PBX connectivity terminal.  
Contact your local dealer for information about availability of accessories.  
Note: Use only accessories approved by the terminal manufacturer for  
use with this particular terminal model. The use of any other types will  
invalidate any approval or warranty applying to the terminal, and may  
be dangerous.  
When you disconnect the power cord of any accessory, grasp and pull the plug,  
not the cord.  
Please check with your local dealer for information about availability of ap-  
proved accessories.  
Nokia 22 Data Packet  
Use the Nokia 22 Data Packet to send and receive SMS, PC fax, file transfer, e-  
mail and Internet access at data rates of up to 43.2 kbps. For more information,  
contact your local dealer, service provider or Nokia Mobile Phones.  
The data packet includes:  
RS-232 data cable  
AT command set CD rom  
Nokia 22 Configurator Software  
Using this PC software you can configure all the Nokia 22 PBX connectivity ter-  
minal related settings in a Win95/Win98/Win 2000/Win NT compatible format.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Antenna adapter  
The antenna adapter allows an external  
antenna to be connected to the Nokia 22.  
For further information, see 7. Technical  
specificationson page 36 and Installing  
the antenna adapteron page 23.  
Backup battery set  
You can connect an external backup bat-  
tery BBW-4 with the power supply ACW-  
4 to the Nokia 22.  
Use the backup battery to provide termi-  
nal functionality, for example during a  
power cut.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Technical specifications  
7. Technical specifications  
GSM terminal  
Dual Band GSM 900/1800  
Transmitting power max 2.0 W (GSM 900), 1.0 W (GSM 1800)  
HSCSD multi-slot data (up to 43.2 kbps)  
Small-size SIM cards supported  
D9 female connector for RS-232  
Power input range:  
Nominal 7.2 V DC  
Absolute min. 6.5 V DC  
Absolute max. 15.6 V DC  
Application module  
Trunk interface:  
Line voltage 50 V  
Ringing voltage 48 V  
Line impedance 600 Ohm  
Extension interface:  
Off-hook AC impedance 600 Ohm  
On-hook AC impedance 150 kOhm  
On-hook DC resistance 10 MOhm  
Loop DC current min 15 mA, max 120 mA  
Terminal data transfer modes  
The GSM terminal supports non-transparent and transparent data connections  
(HSCSD in non-transparent mode only).  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Technical specifications  
Table 5: Data transfer modes  
Data transfer mode  
Data rate  
Non-transparent data Asynchronous data  
Asynchronous data  
9600 bps  
14400 bps  
Asynchronous data  
Multi-slot (1+1, 2+2,  
14.4 kbps + 14.4  
28.8 kbps + 28.8  
43.2 + 14.4 kbps  
2400 bps  
Transparent data  
Asynchronous data  
Asynchronous data  
Asynchronous data  
Asynchronous data  
4800 bps  
9600 bps  
14400 bps  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Technical specifications  
Factory default values  
Table 6: Terminal factory default values  
Can be used with help  
of AT commands  
Short Message Service Always on  
Radio Local Net  
Always on  
Network requires  
maintenance software  
Nokia 22 Configurator  
Software for settings  
Requires Nokia 22 Data  
Calling Line  
User Data  
On, ETSI FSK mode  
Always on  
Intensity Of Field  
Automatic Local Area  
Code adding  
GSM Phase 2+  
Supplementary Services  
Always available  
To activate, dial 777**#  
using DTMF telephone  
Nokia 22 Configurator  
Software for settings  
Depends on network  
services available  
Always on  
182 x 101 x 46 mm withouth dual-band antenna  
420 g  
Operating time with optional backup battery BBW- 4 (3 Ah)  
Standby time  
20 h  
8 h  
Battery voltage  
12 V  
Power supply ACW-3  
Charger type  
Switched mode power supply  
AC mains plug type Europe, UK, US  
Input voltage  
DC connector  
100-240 V AC  
5.5. mm DC plug  
75 g + cables  
115 cm3  
Cable length  
AC 1500 mm, DC 1500 mm  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Technical specifications  
Environmental specifications  
Normal operating  
Extreme operating  
Storage conditions  
Relative humidity range under normal operating conditions  
20...75% non-condensing. Relative humidity range in  
storage 5...95% non-condensing. The terminal is not  
protected against ingress of water or liquids of any type.  
External antenna adapter specifications  
890 - 960 MHz and 1710 - 1880  
1.5 dB  
frequency range  
Invertion loss in  
GSM 900 band  
Invertion loss in  
GSM 1800 band  
2.0 dB  
Nominal antenna 50 Ohm  
cable impedance  
600 mm  
2.7 mm  
Antenna cable  
Standard fme male connector  
External antenna specifications  
frequency range  
Antenna gain  
890 - 960 MHz and 1710 - 1880  
Over 5 dBm  
Electro-magnetic compatibility (Europe)  
The GSM terminal is tested for electro-magnetic  
compatibility (EMC) according to the ETS 300 342-1/13/  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Technical specifications  
The application module fullfils the ITU-T standard and the  
ETS 300-001 specifications for PBX extension and trunk  
connections. The module supports also ETS 300-659 Calling  
Line Identification (FSK and DTMF).  
If the antenna is directional, direct it towards the nearest base station. The an-  
tenna should be mounted in such a position that no part of a human body rests  
too close to any part of it.  
The shorter the antenna cable, the smaller the attenuation and the better the  
performance of the antenna. Use a quality coaxial cable for antenna connec-  
Note: External antennas or antenna cables are not provided by Nokia.  
For details and availability, contact your local dealer or service provider.  
Terminal connectors  
GSM terminal  
The GSM terminal has an RS-232 data  
For the data connector pin signals and  
names, see Table 7: RS-232 data connec-  
tor pin signals and names.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Technical specifications  
Table 7: RS-232 data connector pin signals and names  
Carried Detect  
Received Data  
Transmit Data  
Data Terminal  
Signal Ground  
Data Set Ready  
Request To Send  
Clear To Send  
Ring Indicator  
Application module  
The application module has an RJ-11  
trunk connector and an RJ-11 extension  
For the pin functions of the trunk connec-  
tor, see Table 8: RJ-11 trunk connector  
pin functions.  
For the pin functions of the extension  
connector, see Table 9: RJ-11 extension  
connector pin functions.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Technical specifications  
Table 8: RJ-11 trunk connector pin functions  
Service use  
Service use  
Service use  
Note: In normal use, do not connect any device to the pins 2, 5 or 6 in  
order to avoid damaging the terminal.  
Table 9: RJ-11 extension connector pin functions  
Not connected  
Not connected  
Not connected  
Not connected  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Security information  
8. Security information  
The Nokia 22 PBX connectivity terminal operates using wireless and land line  
networks, radio signals and an electrical network. Not all connections can be  
guaranteed in all conditions. Therefore, you should never rely solely on any mo-  
bile phone or radio device similar to the GSM terminal for essential communi-  
cations, for example medical emergencies.  
National service and emergency numbers differ from one country to another.  
Emergency calls may not be possible on all wireless telephone networks or when  
certain network services/product features are in use. For details, check from your  
local telephone operator.  
Important! For further information about the use of the Nokia 22 in-  
cluding important safety information, refer to the Nokia 22 Users  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Care and maintenance  
9. Care and maintenance  
Use only the supplied or an approved replacement or external antenna. Un-  
authorised antennas, modifications or attachments could damage the termi-  
nal and may violate regulations governing radio devices.  
When dismounting the GSM terminal from the application module, first dis-  
connect the power supply from the terminal.  
If the terminal or any of its accessories are not working properly, take them  
to your nearest qualified service facility. The personnel will assist you, and if  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Care and maintenance  
necessary and make arrangements for service.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
10. Troubleshooting  
Always check light indicators when problems are encountered. For the use of  
light indicators, see Light indicatorson page 12.  
First things to check  
1 Check that all line cables are connected properly.  
2 Check that the power supply is firmly connected to the Nokia 22 and the AC  
wall outlet.  
3 Check that the antenna is firmly connected to the terminal.  
Light indicator 3 is blinking  
The Nokia 22 is not in service. The terminal is not connected to the network, the  
signal is too weak or the antenna is not connected to the terminal.  
Replace the receiver and wait for a while, then try again. You can also move the  
terminal to another location and then try again. See also No tone can be heard  
when you lift the receiveron page 46.  
No tone can be heard when you lift the  
Disconnect the power supply from the Nokia 22. Wait for 10 seconds. Reconnect  
the power supply to the terminal. Operation succeeds when light indicator 3 is  
lit continuously and you hear the dial tone.  
Note: If the AutoPIN feature is disabled or the SIM card is installed for  
the first time, the enter PIN code tone is heard. Enter the PIN code. After  
that you should hear a dial tone within 30 seconds.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Call is disconnected immediately after  
Check that the antenna is properly connected to the Nokia 22. If the terminal is  
still not working, contact the local dealer, service provider or the nearest Nokia  
Mobile Phones representative.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Appendix: Supplementary  
Supplementary services are network services. They are cellular services provided  
by network operators and therefore differ from one network to another.  
Supplementary services provide the subscriber with an opportunity to control  
incoming and outgoing phone calls. The Nokia 22 PBX connectivity terminal  
supports the following GSM Phase 2 + supplementary services.  
Number identification  
Call offering  
Call completion  
In-call handling  
Call restriction  
Security options  
Call transfer  
Note: The call offering supplementary service and the call restriction  
supplementary service cannot be deactivate at the same time.  
How the supplementary services work  
The activation, deactivation, request and registration of a supplementary service  
function in the same way as in a mobile phone. The dialled supplementary serv-  
ice sequence will be executed after 4 seconds dial time-out. The Nokia 22 re-  
sponds to a supplementary service activation, deactivation, request and  
registration by sending OK or error tones from the telephone sets receiver.  
Number identification  
Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP)  
The CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation) feature displays the callers  
number on an external CLI (Calling Line Identity) device. The CLI device must be  
connected between the Nokia 22 and the DTMF telephone. In order to connect  
the CLI, signalling mode must be activated.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Note that the CLIP function usually has to be activated by the network operator.  
To request this function, key in *#30#.  
Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR)  
The CLIR (Calling Line Identification Restriction) feature offers the user an op-  
portunity to prevent his/her number from being shown to the B subscriber.  
The network operator sets the CLIR either to ON or OFF state for the subscriber.  
It is also possible to revert to the CLIR status for one call at a time.  
If, for example the CLIR is disabled (that is a phone number will be shown to the  
called person), invoke the CLIR by keying in #31#PhoneNumber.  
The phone makes a normal call to the PhoneNumber but the B subscriber will  
not be able to see the Nokia 22 phone number.  
If the CLIR has been set permanently to the ON state (that is the phone number  
is normally never shown to the B subscriber), key in *#31# to show the number.  
Call forwarding (Call offering)  
These functions allow the user to forward incoming calls.  
Table 10: Call forwarding functions  
Call forwarding:  
Unconditional (CFU)  
Call forwarding:  
Busy (CFB)  
Call Forwarding:  
No reply (CFNRy)  
Call Forwarding:  
Not reachable  
Unconditional call forwarding, also called call offering, allows incoming calls  
to be directed to another number (network service).  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Busy call forwarding allows the subscriber to direct incoming calls to another  
number when the telephone set is busy. Usually, the CFB service has to be  
first activated by calling the operators service number (network service).  
No reply call forwarding enables the subscriber to direct incoming calls to  
another number when the calls are not answered. Usually the CFNRy service  
has to be first activated by calling the operators service number (network  
Not reachable call forwarding allows the subscriber to direct incoming calls  
to another number when the network is not in service or the terminal is pow-  
ered off. Usually the CFNRy service has to be first activated by calling to the  
operator service number (network service).  
Call waiting (Call completion)  
Call waiting, also called call completion, alerts the subscriber of another incom-  
ing call during a phone call (network service).  
To request call waiting, key in *#43#.  
To activate call waiting, key in *43#.  
To deactivate call waiting, key in #43#.  
In-call handling  
These functions allow the user to switch between phone calls. The service is con-  
trolled by the R (register recall) button.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Table 11: In-call handling functions  
Call in progress, release call waiting  
Answer call waiting, release active call  
Answer call waiting, hold active call  
Switch between active and held call  
Release active call  
Release held call  
Release all calls but waiting call  
Hold active call and set up new call  
R number  
Call restriction  
To activate or deactivate the barring of supplementary services, the user needs  
the network password from the network operator.  
Table 12: Call restriction functions  
Request Activation  
Barring of all  
outgoing calls  
Barring of all  
*331*NetworkPassword# #331*NetworkPassword#  
Barring of all  
incoming calls  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Restricting calls in some networks may restrict the ability to make  
emergency calls. If this is the case in your network, ALL USERS OF  
THE TERMINAL MUST BE INFORMED by appropriate warning signs  
on ALL phones connected to the terminal.  
The effect of call restriction varies among networks so each opera-  
tor must provide its own warning signs that accurately describe any  
emergency restrictions.  
Test the effect of call restriction on calls to your local emergency  
number(s) and warn as needed.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Security options  
These functions provide the user with security options.  
Table 13: Functions of security options  
Security function  
Change PIN  
Change PIN2  
Change PIN2 when  
PIN2 is not known  
To unblock PIN  
Enter PUK code and press #. Enter a new PIN code and press #.  
Verify the new PIN code and press #.  
Tochangeregistration *03*PCC*Old_NetworkPassword*New_NetworkPassword*  
To change all barring  
service password1  
To change outgoing  
barring service  
To change incoming  
barring service  
1) The Password Control Code (PCC) is needed to change the password. The PCC code can  
be requested from the network operator.  
If entering the PIN code does not succeed, refer to Entering PIN code does not  
succeedon page 30 for further information.  
Call transfer  
To transfer a call to a different number:  
1 Hold the active call by pressing R (register recall).  
2 Dial the new number to which the call is to be transferred.  
3 Press 4 and the R (register recall) button.  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
Automatic Area Code  
Alternating Current  
Calling Line Identification  
Direct Current  
Dual Tone Multi Frequency  
Enhanced Full Rate  
European Telecommunications  
Standards Institute  
Frequency Shifting Keying  
Full Rate  
Global System Mobile  
Half Rate  
High Speed Circuit Switched Data  
Intensity of Field  
Mobile Originated  
Mobile Terminated  
Private Branch Exchange  
Personal Computer  
Personal Identification Number  
Public Switched Telephone Network  
PIN Unblocking Key  
Subscriber Identity Module  
Short Message Service  
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  

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