Panasonic Drums CF 27M ADS User Manual

for Panasonic CF-27 Series Personal Computers  
Usage Precautions .....................................  
Description ................................................  
Network Information ................................. 6  
Troubleshooting ......................................... 9  
Specifications ............................................ 10  
For U.S.A.  
Federal Communications Commission Radio Frequency Interference Statement  
FCC Class B Part 15  
This modem complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the  
following two conditions:  
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and  
2. This device must accept any interference received, including  
interference that may cause undesired operation.  
Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party  
responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B  
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to  
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential  
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy  
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions,  
may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  
There is no guarantee, however, that interference will not occur on a particular  
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television  
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is  
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following  
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that of the  
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  
User Precautions  
As with any portable computer device, precautions should be taken to avoid any  
damage. The following usage and handling procedures are recommended:  
Avoid extreme heat and cold  
Do not store or use the wireless modem in locations exposed to heat, direct sunlight  
or extreme cold. Avoid moving the wireless modem between locations with large  
temperature differences.  
5o C to 35o C (41o F to 95o F)  
-20o C to 60o C (-4o F to 140o F)  
Avoid humidity, liquids and dust.  
Do not store or use the wireless modem in locations exposed to high humidity,  
liquids (including rain) or dust.  
Prevent shock  
Avoid subjecting the wireless modem to severe vibrations or impact.  
Do not place the wireless modem inside a car trunk.  
Avoid radio frequency interference  
Do not place the wireless modem near a television or radio receiver.  
Avoid magnetic fields  
Keep the computer and wireless modem pack away from magnets.  
Avoid bending or pulling on the wireless antenna (in LCD assembly)  
Damage to the wireless antenna may affect wireless communication or cause the  
wireless modem to malfunction.  
Avoid touching the wireless modem external antenna connector  
Do not touch the wireless modem external antenna connector, foreign substances  
(dirt, oil, creams etc.) may cause the wireless modem pack to malfunction.  
Do not disassemble the modem pack  
Do not attempt to disassemble your wireless modem pack, doing so may void the  
manufacturer’s warranty.  
Change or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void  
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  
Front Panel Description  
Power On Switch  
The modem powers up independently from the laptop and will  
remain on when the laptop is powered off.  
Power On Indication - Green:  
A green LED will be used to signal when the modem has been  
powered on.  
Message Waiting - Amber:  
The Message Waiting LED will flash when the modem has a  
received message packet waiting to be unloaded.  
In Coverage - Green:  
The In Coverage LED will flash whenever the modem has logged  
on to a base station.  
Wireless Modem Panel  
Description (cont.)  
H.O.T. Antenna  
The laptop is equipped with a H.O.T. Antenna  
(High-gain, Omni-directional, Telescopic).  
The antenna is retractable*, into the LCD  
assembly, and may swivel 3600 for ease of use  
and increasing signal reception strength.  
Position the antenna to radiate away from the  
body to increase effective coverage.  
External Antenna Connector  
The laptop is equipped with an external antenna  
connector. An external antenna (i.e. mounted on  
a vehicle) may be connected to provide higher  
signal strength in fringe or low signal areas to  
maximize effective coverage.  
Do not apply excessive force to the H.O.T. antenna or external antenna  
connector. Doing so could weaken the signal reception strength or damage  
the antenna or laptop.  
Description (cont.)  
Ring Resume*  
The modem can “wake up” the laptop when a message is being received  
(the modem is powered on and the laptop is in “Suspend” mode). The  
following change to the BIOS setting is necessary to begin utilizing  
the Ring Resume feature. Re-boot the laptop, when the Panasonic  
screen appears, press “F2” to enter the PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility.  
Serial port A:  
Serial port B:  
Serial port C:  
Ring Resume:  
Parallel port:  
Sound Controller:  
CardBus Controller A:  
Select “Advanced” then “Ring Resume”, press [Enter] to display the  
Ring Resume options and select “Enable”, “Disable” is the default  
setting. Then press [Esc] then [Enter] to “Save values & Exit”. The  
laptop will restart. Use the legend at the bottom of the menu for key  
stroke instructions.  
The “Suspend” mode would need to be enabled in either the  
“Power” settings in the PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility or Windows 95  
Power Management, for detailed instructions see the CF-27 or  
Windows 95 Operating Instructions Manual.  
* NOTE  
The “Ring Resume” option will only appear when the “-ADS or -RAM”  
wireless modem for is installed. It will not appear when the “-CDP” modem  
is installed.  
Description (cont.)  
Features (cont.)  
Plug-n-Play and Non Plug-n-Play settings  
If necessary the wireless modem I/O address can be changed  
between Plug-n-Play and Non Plug-n-Play settings in the  
PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility. Reboot the laptop and press “F2” when  
the Panasonic screen appears.  
Serial port A:  
Serial port B:  
Serial port C:  
Base I/O:  
Ring Resume:  
Parallel port:  
Sound Controller:  
CardBus Controller A:  
Select “Advanced” then “Serial port C:”, press [Enter] to display the  
Serial port C options and select “Enable”. The “Base I/O” setting  
now appears in the menu options, highlight the address setting and  
select an I/O address, “2F8/IRQ3” is the default setting. Then press  
[Esc] then [Enter]to “Save values & Exit”. The laptop will restart.  
Use the legend at the bottom of the menu for key stroke instructions.  
The Base I/O settings will establish the following settings in the operating  
system (i.e. Windows 95) 3F8/IRQ4 = COM1  
2F8/IRQ3 = COM2  
2E8/IRQ10 = COM3  
Network Information  
DataTAC Network Technology for the ARDIS Network  
The DataTAC infrastructure has become an international data communications  
standard, offering fast data transmission rates with accurate, highly reliable message  
delivery. DataTAC networks are deployed around the world from North America  
to Europe to Asia-Pacific.  
Using an advanced Radio Data Link Access Procedure (RD-LAP) radio channel  
protocol, DataTAC systems provide transmission rates up to 19.2 Kb per second  
and 9.6 Kb per second depending on the country. Those rates mean fewer delays  
and faster response times for the mobile user. For network operators, they mean  
greater capacity to accommodate more customers, while minimizing the required  
investment in network infrastructure.  
DataTAC’s error detection and correction schemes provide increased message  
accuracy, fewer message retries and enhanced network throughput. With DataTAC  
technology, the state of the entire network is constantly monitored and safety  
mechanisms including system alarms, remote diagnostics and redundant backup  
links ensure network reliability and availability.  
The key components of the network infrastructure include the Network Management  
Center (NMC), Area Communications Controller (ACC) and base site equipment.  
The NMC is an advanced client-server based management tool which provides all  
network administration, operation and maintenance functions. It acts as the central  
point of control in the DataTAC system.  
The ACC consists of the Radio Network Gateway (RNG), Radio Network Controller  
(RNC), and Communications Hub. The ACC is primarily responsible for all message  
switching and routing functions, as well as providing the key communication link  
between host computers and remote base stations. Connectivity between the host  
computer and the infrastructure is established using industry standard X.25 or TCP/  
IP host link protocols. The ACC maintains all customer-specific information for  
each device on the system and allows users within a given geographical area to  
connect to host application services. It manages user device system usage/traffic  
information for accounting/billing purposes and detailed analysis of usage patterns.  
DataTAC Data System Station (DSS) base site equipment is located at various  
remote sites in the operational area of coverage and provides the RF link between  
the DataTAC infrastructure and end user devices. They convert the host data  
messages into the RD-LAP radio channel protocol for transmission to the user  
devices and reverse the process on the return connection. They also allow device  
roaming between base site coverage areas in a seamless manner completely  
transparent to the end user.  
Network Information (cont.)  
Mobitex Network Technology for the RAM Network  
The Mobitex wireless network technology, developed by Eritel in 1984 for Swedish  
Telecom, has become an international data communication standard. Now managed  
by the Mobitex Operators Association (MOA), which controls the specifications  
for this open standard, Mobitex is a secure, reliable, wireless packet switching  
network specifically designed for wide-area wireless data communications.  
Mobitex networks are deployed on every continent in the world (except Antarctica).  
Mobitex is presently available* in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Finland,  
France, Germany, Korea, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Poland, Singapore,  
Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.  
Mobitex provides highly reliable, two-way digital data transmission. The network  
provides error detection and correction to ensure the integrity of the data being sent  
and received, and includes transmission acknowledgment.  
The Mobitex network has a hierarchical (or pyramid) network structure. Messages  
are routed from sender to receiver along the most direct path possible. Each Mobitex  
radio modem is assigned a unique Mobitex Access Number (MAN), and the network  
remains constantly aware of the mobile’s location while it is within network coverage.  
Each radio cell is served by an intelligent base station. Because intelligence is  
distributed throughout the network, data is only forwarded to the lowest network  
node common to the sender and the receiver. The base station is thus able to  
handle all local traffic in the cell.  
The network constantly monitors the location of the mobile users. As a mobile  
moves from one area of coverage to another, base stations track its signals, sending  
updated mobile location and status information to the network. If the network goes  
down at any point in transmission, the message is held until network service is  
restored. If the mobile receiver moves outside the coverage area, the base station  
holds on to data until coverage is reestablished, thus preventing loss of data and  
increasing reliability of transmission.  
Mobitex uses a packet switching technique to provide the greatest flexibility in  
data transmission. Mobitex packets include information about the origin, destination,  
size, type, and sequence of data to be sent, enabling packets to be transmitted  
individually, in any order, as traffic permits. Individual packets may travel along  
different routes, in any order, without interfering with other packets sent over the  
same frequency by different users. At the receiving end, all packets are accounted  
for, and reassembled into the original message. Setup time is eliminated and network  
connection is instantaneous. As a result, packet-switching makes far more efficient  
use of channel capacity, typically allowing 10 to 50 times more users over a radio  
channel than a circuit switched network.  
* as of April, 1997  
Network Information (cont.)  
Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) Network Technology  
The Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) network is a two-way wireless data  
communication system. This system uses cellular telephone channels to transfer  
data seamlessly from a mobile end system to a fixed end system. CDPD operates  
within the already existing cellular telephone infrastructure utilizing the idle time  
that exists on cellular voice channels to send small packets of data, called datagrams,  
to a designated receiver. Researchers estimate that over 30% of a cellular channel’s  
airtime is idle, even during heavy traffic.  
The CDPD system sends signals down the various cellular channels to locate an  
open channel. This process is called “sniffing”. Once the CDPD system has located  
an open channel, the modem begins to send datagrams over that channel to the  
designated end user. In order that this process does not interfere with the cellular  
phone transmissions, the CDPD system has regulated channel “hops” to ensure  
that CDPD usage will not block a cellular voice channel for an extended period of  
time. Also, if a voice channel is activated, the CDPD system detects this voice  
message and automatically “hops” to the next available idle channel. This process  
is quite complex. However, the user need not be aware of this process. The CDPD  
system manages the routing of the individual data packets to the proper destination.  
On a basic level, the CDPD network operates like any other computer network  
with the exception that the CDPD mobile end system is free to roam wirelessly and  
conduct network operation from other locations using the network of cellular carriers.  
The CDPD network is made up of a series of cellular networks which are operated  
by various cellular carriers. These cellular carriers provide the user with network  
management as well as application services. To increase user security, carriers use  
forward error correction, authentication, and encryption. The cellular carrier is  
responsible for all accounting services for the CDPD service. The user selects the  
CDPD carrier service with which to operate by registering with an individual carrier.  
Generally, an area will have two cellular carriers that provide CDPD service. The  
user may sign up with either of the two carriers.  
CDPD technology provides many benefits to the user including the following:  
CDPD is cost-effective. By compressing data before sending it over thecellular  
channels, CDPD cuts down the amount of data to be transmitted, and thus, reduces  
the cost of cellular usage. Another cost-reducing advantage of CDPD is that the  
user is only charged for the data transmitted, not for the airtime used. And by using  
the existing cellular infrastructure currently in place for the voice network, CDPD  
has few start-up expenditures which further reduces cost to the user. CDPD is fast.  
At 19,200 bps, it is one of the fastest wide-area data networks. CDPD is mobile. It  
allows free travel between cell cites. The CDPD system automatically tracks the  
user’s position and allows the user to maintain communication between cell cites.  
CDPD is reliable. It utilizes error correction applications for dependable data  
Read this section if your computer is not operating properly. Note that some  
problems may be caused by the software in your system. If you are ultimately  
unable to correct a problem, contact your technical support center.  
The wireless modem does not power on:  
Is the wireless modem powered on?  
Is the laptop battery fully charged or is the ac adapter connected?  
The computer does not recognize the wireless modem:  
Has the wireless modem been powered on?  
Have you changed the operating environment settings?  
Run the PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility to verify the [Serial port C] menu  
options appear in the “Advanced” menu (goto Description  
section for instructions).  
You cannot send or receive anything (no wireless network contact):  
If you are indoors, try moving closer to a window.  
Make sure the antenna is in the upright position (extended from the  
Check your battery level, if low (red BAT indicator) connect the AC  
I have powered the modem and laptop on, but there is no network contact:  
You may not have sufficient coverage in your immediate physical area.  
Try moving near a window or outside the building.  
Make sure the antenna is in the upright position (extended from the  
Has your subscription been turned on?  
Have you changed the operating environment settings?  
The modem indicates a low signal, but when I try to send something, the  
signal level drops to zero:  
There may be some interference that is allowing the wireless modem  
pack to hear the network, but is preventing the network from  
hearing the wireless modem pack. Try changing your location,  
or moving closer to a window.  
For ARDIS Network / CF-27xxxxxxM-ADS  
DataTAC 4000 and 5000 networks,  
including ARDIS  
Serial link protocol NCL (Native Control Language) or  
RAP (Radio Access Protocol)  
RF link protocol  
RD-LAP 19,200 bps and MDC 4800 bps  
Radio performance  
TX Frequency  
RX Frequency  
Transmit power  
806 to 825 MHz  
851 to 870 MHz  
1.5W (to antenna) typical  
H.O.T. Antenna  
Physical specifications W x D x H  
2.61” x 3.44” x 0.38”  
Approx. 2.3 oz.  
50 to 350 C (410 to 950 F)  
30 to 80 % RH  
Operating temp.  
Humidity range  
Power Design  
6.0V ~ 9.5V (7.0V ~ 9.0V recommended)  
1.3A max. (24ma Average at 7.2V)  
Transmit mode  
Output voltage  
Input voltage  
900mA (typical 1.5W to antenna)  
High 4.5V min ~ Low 0.4V max (at .01mA)  
High 3.5V min ~ Low 1.5V max (at .01mA)  
Regulatory compliance  
FCC Part 15, 90  
DOC Rss 122  
Specifications (cont.)  
For Mobitex Network / CF-27xxxxxxM-RAM  
RAM Mobile Data, and other 900 MHz  
Mobitex networks  
MASC (Mobitex Asynchronous Serial  
Communications) or RAP (Radio Access  
Serial link protocol  
RF link protocol  
Mobitex 8000 bps  
896 to 902 MHz  
935 to 941 MHz  
2.0W (to antenna) typical  
Radio performance  
TX Frequency  
RX Frequency  
Transmit power  
H.O.T. Antenna  
2.61” x 3.44” x 0.38”  
Approx. 2.1 oz.  
50 to 350 C (410 to 950 F)  
30 to 80 % RH  
Physical specifications W x D x H  
Operating temp.  
Humidity range  
6.0V ~ 9.5V (7.0V ~ 9.0V recommended)  
1.5A max. (25ma Average at 7.2V)  
Power source  
300~900mA(typical .60~2.0W to antenna)  
High 4.5V min ~ Low 0.4V max (at .01mA)  
High 3.5V min ~ Low 1.5V max (at .01mA)  
Transmit mode  
Output voltage  
Input voltage  
FCC Part 15, 90  
DOC Rss 122  
Regulatory compliance  
Specifications (cont.)  
For CDPD Network / CF-27xxxxxxM-CDP  
CDPD 1.0 / CDPD 1.1 approved,  
Airlink protocol  
PCMCIA Release 2.1, 16550 emulation  
SLIP (Serial Line Interface Protocol)  
PCCA STD 101,  
Host protocol  
AT commands  
ANNEX L (CDPD AT Command Set)  
19.2 Kbps (0.5 GMSK Modulation)  
824.01 ~ 849.97 MHz  
869.01 ~ 894.97 MHz  
600 mW typical  
Radio performance  
TX Frequency  
RX Frequency  
Transmit power  
Full duplex  
H.O.T. Antenna  
85.6 mm x 54 mm x 10.5 mm  
Approx. 4.0 oz.  
50 to 350 C (410 to 950 F)  
30 ~ 80 % RH  
Physical specifications  
W x D x H  
Operating temp.  
Humidity range  
5.0V +/- 0.25 V  
800 mA max., 650 mA typical  
200 mA typical  
Power Design  
DC voltage  
Full duplex  
Listen mode  
Sleep mode  
80 mA max., 70 mA typical  
FCC Class Part 15 and 22  
Regulatory compliance  
Panasonic Personal Computer Company (PPCC)  
Limited Warranty  
Panasonic Personal Computer Company (referred to as “Panasonic”) will repair  
this product with new or rebuilt parts, free of charge in the U.S.A. for three (3)  
years from the date of original purchase in the event of a defect in materials or  
This warranty is extended soley to the original purchaser. A purchase receipt or  
other proof of date of original purchase will be required before warranty performance  
is rendered.  
This warranty only covers failures due to defects in materials or workmanship which  
occur during normal use. It does not cover damage which occurs in shipment or  
failures which are caused by products not supplied by Panasonic or failures which  
result from alteration, accident, misuse, introduction of liquid or other foreign matter  
into the unit, abuse, neglect, installation, maladjustment of consumer controls,  
improper maintenance, modification or service by anyone other than a Factory  
Service Center or authorized Panasonic Service Dealer, or damage that is attributable  
to acts of God.  
Limits and Exclusions:  
There are no other express warranties except as listed above.  
PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation  
of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied  
warranty lasts, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.  
This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other  
rights which vary from state to state.  
The serial number of the laptop and modem may be found on the labels located at the bottom  
of the laptop. Write these numbers below and keep this book along with your proof of  
purchase receipt to serve as a permanent record of your purchase for future reference.  
LLI # (ARDIS only)  
MAN # (RAM only)  
SPNI # (CDPD only)  
SIDE (A OR B - CDPD only)  

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