Panasonic VCR AG 1070DC User Manual

AG-1 0 7 0 DC  
1 2 VDC p o w e re d  
1 -w e e k t im e r b a c k -u p  
Bu ilt -in t im e /d a t e g e n e ra t o r  
3 0 0 TVL re s o lu t io n B/W  
No is e le s s s t ill  
Fo rw a rd /re ve rs e fie ld a d va n c e  
4 -vid e o h e a d s ys t e m  
Du a l m o d e re c o rd lo c k fu n c t io n  
Ea s y t o re a d LCD w it h b a c k lig h t  
Ho u r m e t e r  
Ca m e ra s w it c h in g o u t p u t , a u t o o ff o u t p u t a n d  
t a p e e n d o u t p u t  
Co m p a c t d e s ig n a n d e a s y o p e ra t io n  
Re c o rd in 2 /6 /1 2 /2 4 -h o u r m o d e s w it h a u d io  
Eve n t re c o rd in g e xt e n d s o p e ra t io n u p t o 3 d a ys  
(3 d 1 , 3 d 2 )  
Em e rg e n c y re c o rd in g  
Ala rm re c o rd in g /s e a rc h /re c a ll  
S u m m e r t im e (Da ylig h t S a vin g s Tim e )  
a d ju s t m e n t  
Au t o a la rm re s e t in p ro g ra m m a b le a la rm m o d e  
Da ily/w e e k ly/e xt e rn a l t im e r re c o rd in g  
Au t o re p e a t re c o rd in g /a u t o re w in d  
AG-A1 1 o p t io n a l w ire d re m o t e c o n t ro l  
The industrial grade tim e-lapse field recorder (NTSC) shall be a Panasonic Model AG-1070DC or equivalent and  
shall not be a m odified consum er unit. The tim e-lapse recorder shall be VHS com patible.  
The unit shall be specially designed for the application in which AC power doesnt exist. The unit shall have  
standard 2-hour and 6-hour VHS recording and provide 12-hour and 24-hour tim e-lapse (linear slow) recording.  
Another feature shall be the audio recording in both tim e-lapse m odes. In addition to 12-hour and 24-hour  
tim e-lapse recording, event recording shall be possible, with 8-second sections recorded every 4 m inutes in 3d1  
m ode (2-hour) and with 22-second sections every 4 m inutes in 3d2 m ode (6-hour). This shall allow recording over  
a 3-day period. Even with power switched off, or when the unit is set to the stop position, em ergency recording  
shall autom atically start as soon as an external alarm signal is received. If an alarm signal is received during  
tim e-lapse or event recording, the unit shall autom atically switch to alarm recording in the previously set m ode  
(2- or 6-hour). The unit itself shall also provide an alarm . The alarm search/recall feature shall find the latest of  
alarm recording, and switch to Pause. Alarm recall shall allow you to check the date and tim e of the last 6 alarm s  
recorded by using the on-screen display. Additional features shall include sum m er tim e (Daylight Savings Tim e)  
adjustm ent, auto alarm reset, daily and weekly tim er recording, external tim er recording, auto repeat  
recording/auto rewind, 1-week tim er backup, built-in tim e and date generator, optional wired rem ote control  
(AG-A11), dual m ode record lock function, LCD with back light, hour m eter, cam era switching output, auto off  
output and tape end output.  
Horizontal resolution VHS-2 Hour Mode shall be 240 lines (color), 300 lines (m onochrom e). The unit shall feature  
a 4-video head system and high speed FF/REW (3 m in./NV-T120 tape). The tim e-lapse field recorder shall feature  
auto head cleaning, noiseless still, forward/reverse field advance. The body shall be no m ore than 1058" wide. The  
power source shall be 12VDC. The unit shall be UL listed.  

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