54 Mbps Cable/DSL 802.11a Wireless Router
with 4-port 10/100 Mbps switch MODEL HR314
Installation Guide
What’s in the Box
802.11a Wireless Router
Power adapter
HR314 Resource CD,
installation guide, support
information card &
warranty/registration card
Category 5
100 Mbps
Ethernet cable
When you open the box, verify that you received everything.
The package includes:
HR314 54 Mbps 802.11a Wireless Router
AC power adapter
Ethernet patch cable
HR314 Resource CD, including a full Reference Manual and Installation Assistant
HR314 Installation Guide (this document)
Warranty and registration card
Support information card
If you don’t have everything listed above, see the support information card for contact
information. If the support information card is missing, you can get contact information at
Gather Configuration Information for
1 Your Working Connection to the Internet
Before installing the HR314 router, you
should have an external DSL or cable
modem with an Ethernet port set up and
working with one computer. You’ll be
installing the router between the modem
and the computer.
Note: If you have a cable modem,
you will have a cable connection
between the modem and your
cable outlet.
For each computer that you want to con-
nect to the router, you must have
An available RJ-45 Ethernet port (or
adapter) — either built-in or from a
network interface card (NIC) installed
in the computer OR
an 802.11a-compliant wireless adapter.
TCP/IP installed.
If your computer is a Windows
DSL modem
computer, it must have the Client
for Microsoft Networks software installed.
Note: Please see the Reference Manual on the CD if you need help installing
TCP/IP software or the Client for Microsoft Networks software on any Windows
computer that hasn’t been networked previously.
A Category 5 (Cat 5) Ethernet patch cable
Note: There is one cable in the box with the router.
Connection information
Later in the setup process you’ll need to configure the router to work with your network. A
Setup Wizard is available to help you through this procedure. You can configure the router
yourself using information that you can get from your computer or your ISP about your
current Internet connection.
The next page includes blanks for you to fill in and refer to later. To get the needed
information from your computer:
(Windows 98/Me) Open the Network control panel, select the TCP/IP entry, and
click Properties.
(Windows 2000/XP) Open Local Area Network Connection and click Properties.
(Macintosh ) Open the TCP/IP (or Network) control panel.
Your ISP should have provided you with a summary sheet of all the information needed to connect
your computer to the Internet. If you cannot locate the information, you’ll have to contact your ISP.
An ISP Guide is included with your router’s documentation, either as a printed card or on the
Resource CD. The ISP Guide contains specific configuration guidelines for connecting to
many popular ISPs.
Host and Domain Names
Some ISPs use a specific host or domain name—like jsmith or earthlink.net. If you haven’t
been given specific information about host or domain names then use the following examples
as a guide:
If your main e-mail account with your ISP is aaa@yyy.com, then use aaa as your host
name. (Your ISP might call this your account name, user name, or system name.)
If your ISP’s mail server is mail.xxx.yyy.com, then use xxx.yyy.com as the domain name.
Host name:_____________________________________
Domain name: __________________________________
Login Name
If your ISP requires a login name and password (possibly because you have a PPPoE account),
fill in the following:
Login name:____________________________________
(may be your full e-mail address)
Note: The login name could be called a user name or account name by your ISP.
The login name is case sensitive. You must type it exactly as given by your ISP. For
example, c_jones is a different login name than C_Jones or cjones.
Fixed (or static) IP address
If you have a static IP address through your ISP, fill in the following information:
IP address: _____._____._____._____
Subnet mask: _____._____._____._____
Gateway IP address:_____._____._____._____
DNS server address information
If you were given specific Domain Name System (DNS) server addresses, fill in the following:
DNS Server IP address(es): _____._____._____._____
Install the Router
After unpacking the box and locating the configu-
ration information, you’re ready to install the
1. Determine a suitable location for your router.
The operating distance or range of your
wireless connection can vary significantly
based on the physical placement of the wire-
less router. For best results, place your
DSL modem
near the center of the area in which your
PCs will operate,
in an elevated location such as a high
12VDC 1.2A
802.11a Wireless Router
away from potential sources of interfer-
ence, such as PCs, microwaves, and
cordless phones,
away from large metal surfaces.
2. Locate the Ethernet cable currently going from the DSL or cable modem to the computer
that you use to access the Internet.
Note: You must use this cable to connect the DSL or cable modem to your router
since this may be a special cable even though it looks like other LAN cables.
3. Remove this cable from the computer and insert that end into the Internet port on the
rear panel of the router.
4. Use the Ethernet patch cable that came with the router to connect the computer to one of
the four numbered local Ethernet ports on the rear panel of the router.
5. Connect the power adapter’s cord into the back of the router and then plug the adapter
into a power source (such as a wall socket or power strip).
Note: If you want to connect other computers to the router, don’t connect them now.
Do that after you know that the modem/router setup works with one
Check the setup
The Test light turns on for a few seconds and then goes off.
Note: If the Test light remains on for more than one minute, go to Troubleshooting
on page 13.
The Power and Internet Link lights should be lit.
The Wireless Link light should be lit.
If your computer is on, the Local Link light should be on for the port number that your
computer is connected to.
Note: If the port connection is a 100 Mbps connection, the 100 light should be on.
If either the Power, Internet Link, or Local port Link light isn’t lit, go to Troubleshooting on
page 13.
Configure the Computer to Work with the
Router and Restart the Network
Next, make sure that the computer can interact with the router. To do this, configure the
TCP/IP settings on the computer and then restart the network. How you do this depends on
your computer.
Windows Operating System
Normally, you can leave the TCP/IP setup parameters at their factory default settings unless
you have a specific reason to change them. You should verify that the computer is set to ‘obtain
an IP address automatically’ in the Network control panel.
Windows 98 or Me
1. Choose Settings>Control Panel from the Start menu.
2. Double-click the Network icon.
3. Click the Configuration tab.
4. In the list of installed network components, select the TCP/IP entry for the computer’s
Ethernet or wireless adapter.
5. Click Properties.
6. Click the IP Address tab.
7. Check that Obtain an IP Address Automatically is selected, select if not.
8. Click the Gateway tab.
9. Select and remove any IP Gateway addresses that are listed.
10. Click OK and click OK again to close the Network control panel.
11. Go to Restarting the Network on the next page.
Windows 2000 or XP
1. Right-click My Network Place and choose Properties.
2. Double-click Local Area Network Connection and
click Properties.
3. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.
4. Select Obtain IP address automatically.
5. Click OK twice and click Close.
6. Go to Restarting the Network.
Windows 98/Me
Macintosh Operating System
Mac OS® 8.6 or 9.x
1. Choose Control Panels >TCP/IP from the Apple
2. If not already selected, select Ethernet in the
Connect via list.
3. Select Using DHCP Server in the Configure list.
4. Click the close box.
5. If asked if you want to save this configuration,
click Save.
6. Go to Restarting the Network.
Mac OS X
1. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu.
2. Double-click Network.
3. If not already selected, select Built-in Ethernet in the Configure list.
4. If not already selected, select Using DHCP in the TCP/IP tab.
5. Click Save.
6. Go to Restarting the Network.
Linux® or UNIX® Operating System
If you’re installing the router with a Linux-based or UNIX-based computer see your system
documentation for TCP/IP and networking setup information.
Restarting the Network
Once you’ve set up your computer to work with the router, you must reset the network for the
devices to be able to communicate correctly.
1. Turn off the DSL or cable modem, wait 15 seconds, and then turn it on again.
Note: If the modem doesn’t have an on/off switch, either pull the modem’s power
adapter out of the wall socket or power down the power strip.
2. If the router was powered down, power it up again and wait until the Test light turns off.
3. Restart the computer that is connected to the router.
Note: You may also configure the router from a wireless PC. In that case, set the
PC’s SSID to the router’s default SSID: Wireless and be sure to Disable WEP encryption.
Configure the Router and Test the
Now you configure the router to work with your DSL or cable connection. You configure your
router using Internet browser software such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or Netscape
Navigator 4.7 or later. You can either use the Setup Wizard or configure the router manually.
1. Start a browser on the computer connected to the router.
Note: You may want to bookmark this address in your browser for handy access in
the future.
3. In the User Name box, type admin
4. In the Password box, type password
Note: The User Name and Password are case sensitive.
5. Click OK. The router’s Setup Wizard page appears. If not, select setup wizard from the
bar on the left.
6. To have the Setup Wizard automatically configure the router, click Yes, click Next and
follow the instructions on screen. To configure it manually, click No, then click Next and
continue with the steps listed here.
7. Fill in the form on the Basic Settings page. (Refer to page 5 where you filled in the
information previously.)
Note: Helpful information appears on the right side of the screen to assist you as
you fill in the form.
8. Click Apply to have your information sent to the router.
Test the Connection
1. Click the Test button on the Basic Settings page.
This should open a new browser window and take you to NETGEAR’s Web site
Note: If NETGEAR’s Web site doesn’t appear, go to Troubleshooting on page 13.
2. Close the browser window showing NETGEAR’s home page.
3. Click the Logout button on the left navigation area.
Connect and Configure Other
Computers (Optional)
Now that you have one computer set up to access the Internet through the router, you can con-
nect other computers so they can share the modem.
Wired PCs
1. Connect a Category 5 Ethernet patch cable between another computer and one of the
remaining numbered Local ports on the router.
2. Check to make sure that the associated port number’s Link light is lit on the router.
Note: If the numbered Link light isn’t lit, go to Troubleshooting on page 13.
3. Go back to Installation Step 3 (pages 8 and 9) and go through the sequence of steps
applicable for each computer.
4. Restart each computer.
5. Test each computer’s connection by going to NETGEAR’s Web site
Note: If you have more than 4 wired computers or devices to connect to the router, you
must connect them to a hub or switch (such as the NETGEAR 8-port Fast Ethernet
Switch) and then connect the hub or switch to the router. Connect any port of the other
switch to any LOCAL port of your router. The HR314’s LOCAL port will automatically
configure itself for the uplink connection using NETGEAR’s Auto Uplink™ feature.
Wireless PCs
1. Set the PC’s SSID to the router’s SSID. The default is Wireless
2. Configure the PC’s WEP encryption to match the settings of the router. The default
setting is WEP Disabled.
3. Restart the PC, open a browser, and make sure the computer can access the Internet.
Optional Configurations
Internet Services (Optional)
To have a Web server, e-mail server, or other server on your network accessible from the
Internet, to use Internet communication features (such as NetMeeting), or to play Internet
enabled games, you’ll have to allow access to your computers from the Internet. You do this
by configuring the Ports page in the configuration menus. For more information about Port
forwarding, refer to the Reference Manual on the Resource CD.
No lights are lit on the router
The router has no power.
Make sure the power cord is properly connected to the router.
Make sure the power adapter is properly connected to a functioning power outlet. If it’s in
a power strip, make sure the power strip is turned on.
Make sure you are using the correct NETGEAR power adapter supplied with
your router.
Test light doesn’t turn off
After you plug in the power adapter, the Test light should turn on and then, after approximately
10 seconds, turn off.
If the Test light does not go off, switch the router off for a few seconds, then on again.
Contact NETGEAR if this doesn’t solve the problem.
The Internet Link light doesn’t light up
The Power light is lit, but the Internet Link light isn’t lit.
You have the wrong cable between the router and the modem. Use the cable that came
with the modem—not the one that came with the router.
There is no numbered Link light lit for a connected device
There’s a hardware connection problem.
Make sure the cable connectors are securely plugged in at the router and the device.
Make sure the connected device is turned on.
I cannot get onto the Internet with a computer
You may not have restarted the computer or the network to have TCP/IP changes take effect.
Restart the computer.
Restart the Network as described on page 9.
Your computer may not recognize any DNS addresses.
If you typed in addresses of one or two DNS servers when you configured the router,
restart your computer. Open the router’s Settings pages and verify that the DNS addresses
appear. See instructions on page 10 to view the router’s Basic Settings page.
Your computer may not have the correct TCP/IP settings to recognize the router.
Restart the computer and check that you have TCP/IP set up properly on your computer.
For Windows, the Network Properties should have Obtain an IP address automatically
selected (see page 8). For Macintosh computers, the TCP/IP (or Network) control panel
should be set to Using DHCP Server (see page 8).
You should also verify that the gateway address or the router’s local IP address is The computer’s IP address should be between and
Your router might not be able to obtain an IP address from the ISP.
1. Start your browser, type the address for an external site (like www.NETGEAR.com),
and press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh).
3. In the User ID box type admin, in the Password box type password, and click OK.
4. Under the Maintenance heading, click Router Status.
5. Check that an IP address is shown for the WAN Port.
If you see, contact your ISP to get current configuration information.
Your wireless connection may be misconfigured.
Verify that the PC’s SSID and WEP settings match the router’s settings.
Resetting TCP/IP Properties (Windows)
If you’re on a Windows computer and are still having problems, you may try the following pro-
cedure before contacting technical support.
Windows 98/Me
1. Click the Start button and then click Run.
2. Type winipcfg, and then click OK.
3. Select your Ethernet or wireless adapter.
4. Click More Info and verify that the DNS Servers box displays
5. Click Release All and then Renew All.
6. Verify that you got a valid address and click OK.
Windows 2000
1. Click the Start button and then click Run.
2. Type CMD and click OK.
3. Type ipconfig /all.
4. Type ipconfig /release.
5. Type ipconfig /renew.
6. Verify that you got a valid address and close the window.
Windows XP
1. Open My Network Places.
2. Click View network connections (Network Tasks).
3. Click your enabled LAN connection.
4. Click Repair this connection (Network Tasks).
5. Verify that you got a valid address and close the window.
Note: For Windows XP, you’ll find the TCP/IP information in the Details area.
For any Windows computer, if you are using the recommended default TCP/IP set-
tings, they should be:
• IP Address: between and
• Subnet Mask:
• Default Gateway:
Glossary of Terms
You’ll find a more extensive glossary in the Reference Manual on the HR314 Resource CD.
Category 5 (CAT5): A twisted pair cable that meets specified requirements for high-speed net-
Domain Name System (DNS) server: A server that matches Internet names (such as
IP Address: A 4-part number uniquely defining each host on the Internet. Usually written in dot-
ted-decimal notation with separating periods (for example,
ISP: Internet service provider.
Local Area Network (LAN): A communications network within a limited area, such as one building.
PPP: Point-to-Point Protocol, the standard Internet protocol for dial-up connections.
PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE): A protocol for connecting remote hosts to the Internet over an
always-on connection by simulating a dial-up connection.
TCP/IP: Transfer Control Protocol (TCP) with Internet Protocol (IP). The main internetwork-
ing protocol used in the Internet.
Wide Area Network (WAN): A long distance link used to extend or connect remotely located local area
networks (for example, connecting your home computer to the Internet).
Router System Requirements
To use the router in your network you must have:
Cable or DSL modem with Ethernet interface
Working Internet service
An ethernet network card (NIC) for each wired connection
An 802.11a Compliant Interface Card for each wireless connection
Network software (Windows, Mac OS, Linux)
Internet Explorer 5.0 or later; Netscape 4.7 or later
Router Specifications
Routing Protocols: TCP/IP, RIP-1, RIP-2, DHCP, NAT, PPTP, PPPoE, IPSec
W: 253mm (9.95”) D: 179mm (7.1”) H: 35mm (1.4”)
1.49 kg (3.28 lbs)
ARM7, 50MHz
1 MB Flash, 4 MB SDRAM
10BASE-T or 100BASE-Tx, RJ45
Power Adapter:
12 V DC 1.5A with localized plug for North America, Japan, UK, Europe
and Australia
Environmental Specifications
0°C to 40°C (32˚ to 104˚F)
Operating humidity: 90% maximum relative humidity, noncondensing
FCC Part 15 Class B
VCCI Class B
EN 55 022 (CISPR 22), Class B Interface Specifications
Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) Statement
This equipment is in the second category (information equipment to be used in residential areas) and conforms to the stan-
dards set by the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Data Processing Equipment and Electronic Office Machines
that are aimed at preventing radio interference in residential areas.
EN 55 022 Declaration of Conformance
This is to certify that the NETGEAR Model HR314 54 Mbps 802.11a Wireless Router is shielded against the generation
of radio interference in accordance with the application of Council Directive 89/336/EEC, Article 4a. Conformity is
declared by the application of EN 55 022 Class B (CISPR 22).
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Compliance Notice: Radio Frequency Notice
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installa-
tion. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance
with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that inter-
ference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the inter-
ference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. In order to avoid
the possibility of exceeding the FCC radio frequency exposure limits, human proximity to the antenna shall not be less than
20 cm (8 inches) during normal operation.
Canadian Department of Communications Radio Interference Regulations
This digital apparatus (NETGEAR Model HR314 54 Mbps 802.11a Wireless Router) does not exceed the Class B limits
for radio-noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian
Department of Communications.
Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique du ministère des Communications
Cet appareil numérique (NETGEAR Model HR314 54 Mbps 802.11a Wireless Router) respecte les limites de bruits
radioélectriques visant les appareils numériques de classe B prescrites dans le Règlement sur le brouillage
radioélectrique du ministère des Communications du Canada.
Statement of Conditions
In the interest of improving internal design, operational function, and/or reliability, NETGEAR reserves the right to make
changes to the products described in this document without notice.
NETGEAR does not assume any liability that may occur due to the use or application of the product(s) or circuit layout(s)
described herein.
Certificate of the Manufacturer/Importer
It is hereby certified that the NETGEAR Model HR314 54 Mbps 802.11a Wireless Router has been suppressed in accor-
dance with the conditions set out in the BMPT-AmtsblVfg 243/1991 and Vfg 46/1992. The operation of some equipment
(for example, test transmitters) in accordance with the regulations may, however, be subject to certain
restrictions. Please refer to the notes in the operating instructions.
Federal Office for Telecommunications Approvals has been notified of the placing of this equipment on the market and has
been granted the right to test the series for compliance with the regulations.
Bestätigung des Herstellers/Importeurs
Es wird hiermit bestätigt, daß das Model HR314 54 Mbps 802.11a Wireless Router gemä der im BMPT-AmtsblVfg
243/1991 und Vfg 46/1992 aufgeführten Bestimmungen entstört ist. Das vorschriftsmäßige Betreiben einiger Geräte (z.B.
Testsender) kann jedoch gewissen Beschränkungen unterliegen. Lesen Sie dazu bitte die Anmerkungen in der
Das Bundesamt für Zulassungen in der Telekommunikation wurde davon unterrichtet, daß dieses Gerät auf den Markt
gebracht wurde und es ist berechtigt, die Serie auf die Erfüllung der Vorschriften hin zu überprüfen.
Support Information
Phone: 1-888-NETGEAR
E-mail: support@NETGEAR.com
Technical Support
PROOF OF PURCHASE and the warranty information.
To register your product, get product support or obtain product information and product
customer service area. If you want to contact technical support by telephone, see the support
information card for the correct telephone number for your country.
© 2002 by NETGEAR, Inc. All rights reserved.
NETGEAR is a trademark or registered trademark of NETGEAR, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Information is subject to change without notice.
M - H R 3 1 4 N A - 0
June 2002
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